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RE: Why do we complicate it? Imprinted by LightCaptured

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

I had to talk to accountants and lawyers before feeling it is ready to be filed. The most interesting stuff is that the process is so complex that if I talk to more people about it, I get more confusing and contradictory information.

Don't you just LOVE it when you pay people to clarify things for you and you end up being even more confused than you were when you started?! haha!!! :D

Yes, humans are indeed very good at making things unnecessarily complicated!!! It is like it is in aid of creating this "facade" of being more efficient when in fact it is just plain overkill haha!

This whole process took me so much energy that after completing it I feel really exhausted. I am good with math and I have some experience in the field, probably my Master of Sciences degree also helps.

So, you have some experience and a level of advantage - can you imagine the chaos in other peoples homes... people who don't have a CLUE where to even start?!! Like me.... hahaha!!! Oh wow! Its crazy really, because I am sure there are countless people who cannot afford to pay someone to help them and end up doing it ALL wrong because it goes over their heads.... so the officials receive info which is wrong, which then requires additional communication with the tax payer - all completely unnecessary additions.

What ever happened to the saying "If it aint broke, don't fix it" lol!

Anyway, on a lighter, more positive note... LOVELY photos as always!!!

 2 months ago 

Thanks so much :)

What can I say, yup, I "LOVE" it, heheh :)
My wild guess, some internal subconscious aspiration for making ourself look useful and at least seem we have some purpose :)))

Looking at its practical side, paying to get different opinions is a sweet consulting (low-efforts and high-paygrades) business.

Or, wait, it is perhaps a matter of feeling powerful and able to make someone's life much harder... I think, for myself, I'd rather beg on the streets than take a full-time bureaucratic job. :)

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