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RE: Update on the second cycle of chemotherapy with Paclitaxcel and Trastuzumab. / Actualizacion de segundo ciclo de quimioterapia con Paclitaxcel y Trastuzumab.

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago

You are so very brave to be going through all of this @isabelpena and you still manage to do it all with courage and a positive outlook which is amazing! I don't think you know this - as we did not speak for a few years when I stopped writing, but my mom passed away from breast cancer in June 2020. She never did chemo. She refused. I think the idea of everything she would have to go through scared her terribly... so that is why I take my hat off to you for having the courage to do this!!

It is wonderful too, that you have people who are kind enough to come and lighten up the mood for the day. I read a book once, which was about a woman who healed her own cancer and one of the things she mentioned at the beginning of the book was that she started watching comedies every single day. It has been said by many that "laughter is the best medicine" and there is a lot of truth in that, because laughter is a positive distraction which reduces stress.

So perhaps you need to start watching some good laughs too! :)

I wish you a week of physical peace, ease and comfort Isabel. Take care sweetie. Lots of love - AND LAUGHS!!! xxx

Eres muy valiente al pasar por todo esto @ isabelpena y aún así logras hacerlo con valentía y una actitud positiva, ¡lo cual es increíble! No creo que lo sepas, ya que no hablamos durante algunos años cuando dejé de escribir, pero mi madre falleció de cáncer de mama en junio de 2020. Nunca hizo quimioterapia. Ella lo rechazó. Creo que la idea de todo lo que tendría que pasar la asustó muchísimo... ¡¡por eso me quito el sombrero ante ti por tener el coraje de hacer esto!!

También es maravilloso que tengas gente que tenga la amabilidad de venir y alegrarte el ambiente durante el día. Una vez leí un libro sobre una mujer que curó su propio cáncer y una de las cosas que mencionó al principio del libro fue que comenzó a ver comedias todos los días. Muchos han dicho que "la risa es la mejor medicina" y hay mucho de cierto en eso, porque la risa es una distracción positiva que reduce el estrés.

¡Quizás también necesites empezar a ver algunas buenas risas! :)

Te deseo una semana de paz física, tranquilidad y consuelo Isabel. Cuídate cariño. Mucho amor - ¡¡¡Y RISA!!! xxx


What beautiful words you say to me friend, thank you for that. The strength and change in mentality that I have made has been given to me by God through the people that I meet every day on my path who tell me that I look very good, that it does not seem like I have something as big as Cancer. At first I was afraid to mention the word since it is a disease that everyone rejects, but you have to face things and that is the beginning. I knew that you had lost your mother, yes, but not that it was because of this illness. What a pity that your mother did not receive treatment since she would have extended a few more years of life and she would still be with you. We should not judge those who freeze with the horror of the word and the treatments, they are not easy. But we must trust only in God who strengthens us. Thank you darling @jaynie for your words and it is a pleasure for me that you read my posts and comment on me. Thank you thank you thank you.

the people that I meet every day on my path who tell me that I look very good, that it does not seem like I have something as big as Cancer.

Those are very special people then! <3

What a pity that your mother did not receive treatment since she would have extended a few more years of life and she would still be with you. We should not judge those who freeze with the horror of the word and the treatments, they are not easy.

Yes, it was a pity - but like you say... it was her choice. Definitely not an easy one.

Thank you darling @jaynie for your words and it is a pleasure for me that you read my posts and comment on me. Thank you thank you thank you.

My pleasure @isabelpena - you take care! and have a beautiful week!!!!!!


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