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RE: Fuel for a Lifetime

in WORLD OF XPILAR9 months ago

43 years old… such a wise age 😃

Seems to improve with every passing year, lol.

I looked up some of your comments on Hive, you’ve certainly found your voice over there 😂

They made me cower away for two years. I came back (in peace) and alas... lol so yes, I am DONE being silenced in that space.

Ignorance is bliss after all.

I exercise a lot of ignorance lol - it does make life a whole lot more enjoyable! haha!

self-inquisition is something I’ve spent an increasing amount of time doing.

Got to find the balance... otherwise you will end up weird and unhinged like me, haha :P

Nice to meet you @the-gorilla :)

 9 months ago 

I believe your experience on Hive reflects that of many others - There was a push to get plenty of reviews on Sourceforge about a year ago ( - you're welcome to share your experience if you haven't already 😉) and you can see from what people have written about Hive that there's plenty of anger there - which isn't surprising considering the entire platform was borne from a position of anger and hatred.

Got to find the balance... otherwise you will end up weird and unhinged like me, haha :P

Unhinged is a given. I reflect to understand myself better...


Nice to meet you @the-gorilla :)

It's nice to have you back 👋

I read through pretty much most of those reviews. Sickening really. Meh.

and yes, I will ABSOLUTELY be leaving my own review there. Just need to find a gap to do so!

Thanks for sharing that, I appreciate it.

Despite KNOWING I am well within my rights for standing my ground as well as feeling the way I do... those asswipes DO have a way of breaking a person down to the point of questioning just that.

So yes... thank you.

Hope you are having a super week so far!

 9 months ago 

I read through pretty much most of those reviews. Sickening really. Meh.

It makes me grateful for the fork and for never having used Steemit when they were all here! Imagine if Hive was the only option! It just seems bizarre to me that they put so much effort into punishing people. Which reminds me... I read something about Narcissists the other day 😆

I have said similar often - it is almost as if their entire existence is centered around making other people miserable and they absolutely lose control when they dont HAVE control. True epitome of the word "bully".

Narcissistic - absolutely... also, another term for people like them - sociopaths, lol.


But yes... good riddance to bad rubbish! :)

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