My "Stolen" Daisies

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month


My late mom taught me a long time ago that pretty much most plants can be grown from a cutting, which has made accumulating and collecting plants for my gardens over the years a lot less expensive, lol. I think I speak for most avid gardeners when I say that exchanging plants is part of the norm when visiting fellow gardening friends houses and developing a keen eye for whats "out and about" around you also begins to come naturally, lol

The same can be said for my stolen daisies haha! I wrote a post a little while ago sharing a walk we had along the coastline in Hermanus... along which, I gathered myself several "illegal" snippets of African trailing daisies.

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Shortly after that, I shared another post where I planted said cuttings in my garden. It has been about a month since those posts and since I planted the cuttings. Being Winter this side of the world, I have been keeping a close eye on them... though despite the cold and the often incessant rain, was pretty confident that they would be okay, as I had them sheltered with the 5 litre bottles.


There were seven cuttings which I planted in total. Two in pots and the rest went straight into the ground. My intention for putting two in the pots was to ensure a greater survival rate and to ultimately have a mother plant to take more cuttings from.

I took a walk around the garden this morning as the sun is out - it is still ridiculously cold, but pleasant enough out - besides... its good to get some sunshine on the face, especially after so many days of cold, rainy weather. Anyhooooo, I am so thrilled to share that every single one of the cuttings has taken - both in the pots and in the ground and they all actually look really healthy and happy... YAY!


There is only one of the cuttings in the ground which does not look quite as happy as the others. It is alive, but definitely taking a little more strain than the rest - which is a little perplexing because it is in a line of four - with the other three right alongside it. But I suppose, it could be something as simple as a mole that has burrowed underneath it and disturbed it, or perhaps that section of earth is a little different underground. Who knows... but it is still hanging in there!


Either way, I am super stoked and looking forward to slightly warmer days when they will hopefully relax their cold, curled toes a little more and "really" start growing! I know my garden looks like a bit of a science experiment at the moment with all the pots, bottles and sticks all over the place lol, but you know what... good things take time - and that is what I am doing... taking my time. Working on one thing at a time, seeing what works and what doesn't etc. etc. but I can promise you... that one day, it will be the oasis I dream of - and it will definitely have as many colour trailing African daisies as I can get my hands on... legally or not haha!



I will leave you all with some snapshots of my fur child who was trying so hard to pose nicely for his mother, but was super distracted by his extended feathery siblings who were whining at me for their breakfast, lol. Have a wonderful Thursday beautiful people and remember to take time to touch some grass - or some daisies - in fact, pick them and plant them! haha!






Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited


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Thank you very much for the <3 @enamul17 much appreciated! :) Have a lovely Friday!!!

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