Happy Friday from Country Bumpkinland!

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago


Good Morning Lovelies!

So! We made it to the first Friday of 2024... YAY! And I don't know about all of you, but it has been a pretty awesome start to the year for me - so no complaints here! It's funny though, don't you think... how the fact one year ends and another begins makes any difference at all to our mindset. It shouldn't, and I suppose there are many that will say it doesn't for them.

I guess it is a little like drawing a line in the sand. Really speaking there is no difference between the two sides of the line, but because the line is visible, it sets the left and right apart.

I had absolutely no intentions of making any new years resolutions, and I didn't - but for whatever reason, I decided that I needed to rid myself of the dust and somewhat heavy weight of last year and make a fresh start. Two of the things I was not very good at last year was healthy eating habits and believing in myself - especially in relation to my art.


it is actually sad how, when a person "gives up on themselves" then everything around them seems to go down the shoot too... because they just stop caring about anything. Probably better defined as a certain level of depression I guess. I cannot say that I suffer chronically with this, but I certainly do go through waves - ebb and flow, ups and downs... and last year - though it had some really noteworthy "ups", it definitely seemed to have more downs and at the end of it all I found myself feeling completely depleted, so I was actually REALLY grateful for the distraction of family visiting from all over and for the time to step away and give myself a little bit of a reset.

So here we are - on the other side of the line in the sand. I did not start quite at the beginning of the year, but the 3rd was close enough I guess, lol. I have gone back to my old routine of intermittent fasting which I have always found the most effective and sustainable approach to health and lifestyle... because I can keep my weight manageable and also still enjoy eating all the things I love without really restricting myself much at all.

My day starts with a black coffee (now all I need to add is the exercise again) and I do not eat anything until 1pm. On busy days, I often manage to push this a little further - but I am at the beginning of the road again... so no yet, it is still a little challenging getting back into it all - my stomach is screaming at me right now, but my mind is rejecting its lure, lol. In 30 minutes it will be 1pm and then I will have some lunch. Normally this will consist of one of a few things... mostly a couple of boiled eggs with some greens - so, egg salad I suppose. Another one of my favourite go to's is some home made sourdough bread with cheese and arugula, or as we call it here "rocket".


Then I won't eat anything again until dinner - and that needs to be by the very latest 9pm. Nothing gets consumed after that - so it is a 16 hour fast. Though it is proving a little challenging at the moment, I can already feel the difference in myself. It is incredible really, how quickly you notice the positive effects of fasting - not to mention, cutting out a fair degree of all the luxuries which we all tend to shove down our throats during the festive season, lol.

This change alone makes an enormous impact on a persons mental state and quickly helps in eradicating all that negative self talk. It leaves you feeling energised, motivated and generally better about life.

As the saying goes - "Nothing changes if nothing changes" - and I have to say I feel really GOOD about this one, simple change! Here's hoping I can make a habit of it again. Do you have any daily routines which you turn to as an act of "wellness"? I know my pooch does - and it is with a tinge of jealousy that I will say... it truly is a dogs life, lol!


Anyhoo... enough of my morning babble.
Have a beautiful day everyone and



Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


Join me on X


Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @bambuka and received a bonus from the curation account of the WOX community.

Thank you SO much @wox-bonus-trail and @bambuka! Really appreciate that!!! Have a wonderful week all!

“it is actually sad how, when a person "gives up on themselves" then everything around them seems to go down the shoot too... because they just stop caring about anything.”

Very very true statement.

It reminds me of that quote, “We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

So if we are not doing well, then the whole world seems like it isn't doing well either.

I myself need to eat more healthy as well, have a more optimistic view of the world, and appreciate the things that I have, rather than bemoaning the things that I do not.

This is a good post @jaynie…and happy Friday to you too.

Hi @fijimermaid :)

Thank you for the lovely comment and for taking the time to read my post - I am really glad that it resonated with you and gave you a bit of inspiration!! I think we all need reminders from time to time... "perfectly imperfect" we are :)

Nonetheless... as long as we continue to endeavor down the road of personal growth, then I think we will be ok!

Happy Monday to you! I hope you have a fabulous week ahead!

 7 months ago 

You're doing great, but don't forget to drink more clean water.
Happy New Year 2024!🤣 😂😅🍄

hahaha!!! Indeed!!! You are so spot on with that because I DOOOO have to remind myself that coffee is NOT water, lol!!! Happy Monday to you Bambuka! Hope you have an excellent one!

 7 months ago 

About 80% of us are made up of water.
I do not know what percentage of coffee is in our body... it looks like you have a big one))))

They say Monday is a hard day, but it's not for me. On this day I visit the steam room and the ice hole))
By the way, there is very strong water in natural reservoirs now.

Have a good week)

I do not know what percentage of coffee is in our body... it looks like you have a big one))))

Probably too much lol!

They say Monday is a hard day, but it's not for me. On this day I visit the steam room and the ice hole))

WOW that is AWESOME!!! I do agree with you though... Monday need not hold the dark grey cloud over our heads that so many people place there for no reason.

Hope you have an excellent week too!

 7 months ago 

🖐 😊 👍

 7 months ago 

Just look, you are no longer in club5050.
You need to do a power up. (•ิ‿•ิ)

lol What?! I don't follow :D

Hi Pat!

Happy New year to you! :)

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