in WORLD OF XPILAR10 months ago

Hello guys, so i woke up today with my heart filled with so much emotions it has been a very hard couple of weeks. I've beem fighting so much pain. Life's not fair but we have got to keep going. I just hope i make it out of here clean. I decided to put a few things into writing when i saw a rose flower my mom got during the week. It took me about a week to come up with this. I hope you all enjoy it and let me know how you feel towards it. We are not alone.


Have you ever wondered why most roses are red? No, it's red a pigment or any other thing that is supposed to cause the brightness of its allure. It's a trap, one set by nature to bring.
its preys, the pollinators. It draws them in with scents and a look so alluring, they dizzy themselves to get close, to smell, to taste. The rose isn't kind, it's thorny, wickedness hidden,
it's flowery scent, a disguiser of a its sinister stem.
The rose is a taunter
The rose calls, then shuns
It draws, then prick
It attracts, then bleeds you.
But you already know that, don't you? You were borne of it,
formed from its petals of bloods and your bone from its stems.
The rose bloomed and you took your first breath
Its petals yielded your iridescent skin that is torture, your brown eyes that is a trap
You sway and nod, beckoning all to yield
You smile and command all to give.
They give and you take.
You take and you take like it was yours to begin with.
You prod for affection like the rose and give none back.
You cannot, it is not in your nature.
Your nature is fragrant but void
Beckoning but fickle
Your nature is to draw and drawn am
I cannot but be drawn
You're my rose and l am not even your pollinator
lam a fleeting thought in your essence and you grab onto me and drain
Draining what you will to be what a rose should be.
What a rose should be is red.
Red from the blood of its prey.
Red from the blood from my veins.

I hope everyone going through one or two things during this period can find peace at the end of the day.

I invite @Bossj23 @joshwolfman to check this out

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