Self portrait painted in pastel · Auto retrato pintado a pastel

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Hi! Today I would like to share with you this self portrait painted in pastel in 2007 while I was studying Advertising Illustration at the Fernando Estévez School of Art in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The model is a photograph of me from a trip I made to the island of Tenerife when I was a baby in which I have a little chick on my lap. As I was learning to paint at the time, the end result is not as good as I would have liked, although we have to bear in mind that the beauty of this baby is difficult to match 😉 (Ironic mode on)

I hope you like this pastel portrait. Receive a friendly greeting.

Postscript: Right now I'm single, if any woman wants children as beautiful as this one, she only has to send me a private message. (We continue with the irony mode on) 😉

¡Hola! Hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes este auto retrato pintado a pastel en 2007 mientras estudiaba Ilustración Publicitaria en la Escuela de Arte Fernando Estévez de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

El modelo es una fotografía mía de un viaje que hice a la isla de Tenerife cuando era un bebé en la que tengo un pequeño pollito en mi regazo. Como estaba aprendiendo a pintar en esos momentos, el resultado final no es tan bueno como me hubiera gustado, aunque tenemos que tener en cuenta que la belleza de este bebé es difícil de igualar 😉 (Modo irónico on)

Espero que les guste este retrato a pastel. Reciban un amistoso saludo.

Posdata: Ahora mismo estoy soltero, si alguna mujer quiere hijos tan bonitos como este, no tiene sino que enviarme un mensaje privado. (Seguimos con el modo ironía encendido) 😉

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Copyright: Javier Sebastian, Canary Islands. All my images are original.
If you want to buy any of my visuals, please drop me a message, I'm on Discord: JavierSebastian#5816

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Hi Javier, thank you for this beautiful portrait, looking at your childhood work I can recognize you, there are same eyes and smile. The portrait is really good :)

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Thank you so much for your words and the nomination. I hope so.

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