Wilderness Chronicles: Cooking Over Campfires with Lifelong Companions

Greetings, dear friends, how are you all? I hope you all are fine and enjoying your day. I wish for you all good health, wealth and a prosperous time ahead. Today I am here to share with you yet another day of my life and I hope you all will get time to read and know about one more day of my life and also find it worthwhile to read and vote.


I usually like to spend time with my friends,who have been my homies right from my childhood. We have gone through different stages of life together and without having any altercation ever in our time together. We usually go on trips and we have explored a lot of places together. Even a single person among us cannot go on a trip without having others with him. We share a strong bond and hardly have any of us imagined life without the others.
We often go on trips and make moments together, which we would cherish throughout our lives. Our trips are not only about exploration of places, but also the different food and cuisine we prepare. Usually, our trips are not premeditated or preplanned, how we decide to go on trips and come to an agreement without taking much time is more like a myth.


Yesterday, we once again decided to go to someplace where we could enjoy some cool breeze and where we could also have some food together. We decided to have some chicken and other required food materials with us to cook it out in the wild. We decided to go towards a forest block located at a distance of about 7 km from our place. It was quite late when we left for the place and we all were wondering, if we would be able to finish what we had left for before dusk. To avoid any sort of delay or to minimise the chances of adding pollution to the atmosphere by using wood as fuel, we took a gas cylinder with us fitted with a burner at it’s top. We packed all the spices and necessary equipment and left for the place in my car.


On reaching our desired part of the forest, we found some logs of wood already burning there, and upon enquiring, we found that some of the forest employees had already come to the place for a farewell party to some of the employees on their superannuation. As we entered the area, the forest employees suggested not to use the gas, but to use the already burning log of wood as a fuel to cook our snack. We agreed and followed the way they suggested us as we all were a little experienced in cooking food over the logs, it was quite a different experience as even going closer to the burning log was very difficult as the heat was unbearable, but the forest employees were adept in working in such conditions as it’s very difficult for them to search for other sources of energy in the forest.


We fried the chickens and until they turned brown from one side, but as we couldn’t frequently stir the contents of the pan, a large part of the chicken had stick to the bottom of the pan. We couldn’t actually cook the food in the way we used to, but we enjoyed our new experience a lot. In course we had a lot of fun and it would definitely be a memory for all of us for a long time.



After we were done with cooking the food, we all decided to go a little deeper into the forest to enjoy our food without any distraction. It was quite a precious time together, and we all enjoyed our food. No matter how the food tasted and how it looked like, my friends were happy as it was our time together after a long gap as we all have got engaged into different professions.



Later, after cleaning the space we were in,we left for our place and as we got out of the forest, we all decided to have some tea together at a restaurant. It was quite late in the evening, when we left for our place and while driving back home, we not only had a good ride, but also the music I played was quite fantastic. We enjoyed our return, and while we were on way to our village, we decided to go on a trip to one of the famous tourist destinations Pahalgam in the coming week.

It was all about my time with my friends. I consider time spent with friends is always precious and one cannot get the youth back as with every passing day our responsibilities increase and to spend such time with friends is always a blessing.

Thank you for going through my post. Have a great time ahead.


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