Update on my health status. / Actualizacion sobre mi estado de salud.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year


On June 28, I was operated on for a radical mastectomy of the left breast, which went very well, thank God. That day I had to be there at 9 in the morning for them to admit me and prepare me for the doctor's arrival and we left very early. I was nervous as usual.

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When the doctors arrived they began to prepare me but they couldn't find my vein to put the line in, so they passed another girl who was also going to have a mastectomy. Everything was fast and in the blink of an eye the girl was already in the recovery room. I was very sad for her because she was crying all the time, I imagine that her sadness was when she saw herself without a breast, I feel like a young girl this is very painful. Pray that she would find her relief.

When my turn came I felt nervous but I also felt that time passed quickly and when I woke up I was in the recovery room, a little dizzy but attentive to everything that was happening around me. When the doctors got to the room, they congratulated me, they told me that I behaved very well and that I woke up quickly from the anesthesia.

cirugia de mama3.jpg

The doctor informed my relatives that they had removed 2 lymph nodes, which did not look bad, but as a precaution he preferred to remove them and also showed them the mass that was removed from the breast and the remains of my mother. These were sent to do another biopsy on the tissues and nodes.


My sister offered to take care of me at home during the postoperative period, she asked for a few days of vacation and I was delighted since she has air conditioning and I don't, I only have a standing fan and currently there is a heat wave that burns one.

The doctor eliminated sugar, canned food and sausages, I will no longer be able to consume them for the rest of my life. So my sister is into the wave of eliminating refined flour and carbohydrates and she prepare this delicious hamburger made of green bananas. When I know the recipe well and can cook, I will make a publication to share it with you.


This is the drainage that had to be averaged every 24 hours since when it reached 15 ml they could remove it. I lasted more than 20 days with it since when I got home I began to cough and had a lot of phlegm, the doctor prescribed me a cough syrup but it did not go away. My sister gave me shots of Melissa and it was what finally got rid of my phlegm and flu.


This is how my body was after this operation. It doesn't bother me to see myself without a breast since they already fulfilled their tasks, which is to breastfeed my children and the truth is that I prefer to accept the situation and not spend my time crying over a part of my body. At my age that shouldn't be paramount, there are other things to worry about.

I want to thank all the people who sent me good wishes and prayers, since in these cases any word and action is very good and was well received by me. Each vote, each collaboration was very useful because this is expensive and often takes a long time, it's not over yet.

To my friends from @dream.socialclub a big hug and a huge thank you for asking about my health yesterday in a comment you made to me. I hadn't been able to sit down to make a publication about the case (I still shouldn't) but since they asked me I felt obliged to update them. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I hope to continue counting on your prayers.


Traduccion al Español:

El pasado 28 de Junio fui operada de una mastectomia radical de la mama izquierda, la cuan salio mu bien gracias a Dios. Ese dia tenia que estar a las 9 de la mañana para que me hicieran la admision y me prepararan para cuando llegara el doctor y nos fuimos bien temprano. Estaba nerviosa como es normal.

Cuando llegaron los doctores comenzaron a prepararme pero no conseguian mi vena para poner la via, asi que pasaron a otra chica que tambien iba a ser operada de mastectomia. Todo fue rapido y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos la chica ya estaba en la sala de recuperaciones. Me dio mucha tristeza por ella porque estuvo llorando todo el tiempo, imagino yo que su tristeza era al verse sin un seno, siento una chica joven esto es muy penoso. Ore porque ella encontrara su alivio.

Al llegar mi turno senti nervios pero tambien senti que paso rapido el tiempo y cuando desperte estaba en el cuarto de recuperaciones, un poco mareada pero atenta a todo lo que sucedia a mi alrededor. Cuando los doctores llegaron al cuarto me felicitarion, me dijeron que me porte muy bien y que desperte rapido de la anestecia.

Mi hermana se ofrecio a cuidarme en su casa durante el post operatorio, pidio unos dias de vacaciones y yo estuve encantada ya que ella tiene aire acondicionado y yo no, solo tengo un ventilador de pie yy actualmente hay una ola de calor que calcina a uno.

El medico me elimino el azucar, los enlatados y los embutidos, ya no los podre volver a consumir en lo que me queda de vida. Asi que mi hermana esta en la onda de eliminar las harinas refinadas y los carbohidratos y me preparo esta rica hamburquesa hecha de platano verde. Cuando sepa bien la receta y pueda cocinar les hare una publicacion para compartirla con ustedes.

Este es el drenaje que debia media cada 24 horas ya que al llegar a 15 ml me lo podian quitar. Dure mas de 20 dias con el ya que al llegar a la casa comence a toser y tenia mucha flema, el doctor me receto un jarabe para la tos pero no se me quito. Mi hermana me hizo tomas de Toronjil y fue lo que finalmente me quito la flema y la gripe.

Asi quedo mi cuerpo despues de esta operacion. No me molesta verme sin un seno ya que ya ellos cumplieron su tares que es amamantar a mis hijos y la verdad es que prefiero aceptar la situacion y no pasar mi tiempo llorando por una parte de mi cuerpo. A mi edad eso no deberia ser primordial, hay otras cosas por las que preocuparse.

Quiero agradecer a todas las personas que me enviaron buenos deseos y oraciones ya que en estos casos cualquier palabra y accion bienen muy bien y fueron bien recibidas por mi. Cada voto, cada colaboracion fue de mucha utilidad debido a que esto es costoso y muchas veces se hace largo, todavia no termino.

A mis amigos de @dream.socialclub un gran abrazo y un enorme gracias por preguntar sobre mi salud ayer en un comentario que me hizo. No habia podido sentarme a hacer una publicacion sobre el caso ( todavia no debo) pero ya que me lo preguntarion me senti en la obligacion de actualizarlos. Gracias a todos desde lo mas profundo de mi corazon y espero seguir contando con sus oraciones.

 last year 

Saludos amiga @isabelpena

Me alegra que todo haya salido muy bien y que estés tomando la situación con la mejor actitud, eso la llevará a recuperarse completamente y poder seguir disfrutando de las bendiciones que Dios le brinda.

Un abrazo.

Asi es amigo @adeljose, para que lamentarse si Dios me esta brindando otra oportunidad de vida ? La tomo con calma y continuo. Gracias por pasar por mi blog y dejar tu positivo comentario.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

It sounds like a strong woman solved a problem! You are so incredibly matter-of-fact and focused - you will be better soon, I am sure! All the best for you!

Thank you very much friends, these are the things that help one to keep going. That is why it is so important to write to people who are in the process of a disease. From the bottom of my heart many thanks.

 last year 

En medio de todo por lo que ha pasado, me alivia conocer que se encuentra mejor, que ya le fue realizado el procedimiento en pro de su salud y se está recuperando.

Dios siga guiando al equipo médico que la atiende y a usted le mantenga con fortaleza.

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