Second update of my health status.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

Hello my dear friends. For all those who follow my case, here I bring you a second update. Last Friday I received the results of the second biopsy which came with good news.

The medical report was also delivered to me, which should have been done from the beginning; but the truth is that each doctor works in his own way, this is the way of this doctor.

The medical report gives an assessment based on what they found in the first biopsy and the operation they had to do to act quickly on the case.

The diagnosis is infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma with an intracystic pattern, moderately differentiated. So the doctor tells me that it is the common type and that it has not spread to another place.

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The second biopsy corroborates what was found in the first, but with the good news that the extracted lymph nodes were clean, they were healthy, only they were extracted as a precaution.

The doctor, my daughter and I almost jumped out of our chair for joy and thanked God so much for it. This is good news but we continue with chemotherapy treatment.

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It is up to the Oncologist to administer the appropriate medication according to the case, but so far the Mastologist has spoken of mild chemo, I don't know what that means but it sounds good.

For now I already have an appointment for next Monday with an Oncologist who was highly recommended to me and they say that he is very good and very aware of what is being treated.

I know that many of you accompany me in prayer, thank you very much for that and I ask you to continue doing it since this is halfway done. Thank you all for the great support I have had and that I hope to continue to have. GOD PAY THEM.


@dream.socialclub @wox-helpfound

Traduccion al Español:

Segunda actualizacion de mi estado de salud.

Hola mis queridos amigos. Para todos los que siguen mi caso, aqui les traigo una segunda actualizacion. El pasado Viernes me entregaron los resultados de la segunda biopsia la cual vino con noticias buenas.

El informe medico tambien me fue entregado, cosa que debio hacerse desde el principio; pero la verdad es que cada doctor trabaja a su manera y esta es la de este medico.

El Informe medico da una valoracion segun lo que encontraron en la primera biopsia y la operacion que debieron hacer para actuar rapidamente con el caso.

El diagnostico es Carcinoma Ductal infiltrante con patron intraquistico, moderadamente diferenciado. Por lo que el doctor me dice que es del tipo comun y que no se propago a otro lugar.

En la segunda biopsia se corrobora lo que arrojo la primera pero con la buena noticia de que los ganglios extraidos estaban limpios, estaban sanos, solo que fueron extraidos por precausion.

El doctor, mi hija y yo, casi saltamos de la silla de alegria y dimos muchas gracias a Dios por ello. Es una buena noticia pero seguimos con tratamiento de quimioterapia.

Queda a criterio del medico Oncologo administrar el medicamento adecuado segun el caso, pero hasta los momentos el Mastologo ha hablado de quimios suaves, no se que significara eso pero suena bien.

Por lo pronto ya tengo cita para el proximo Lunes con un Oncologo que me recomendaron mucho y dicen que es muy bueno y muy consciente de lo que se esta tratando.

Se que muchos de ustedes me acompañan en oracion, muchas gracias por eso y les pido que lo continuen haciendo ya que esto esta a medio camino. Gracias a todos por el gran apoyo que he tenido y que espero continuar teniendo. DIOS LES PAGUE.


I keep my fingers crossed!
Keep up the optimism. This will be helpful for the body's fight against the disease.

Yes, nothing is done with being sad, healing faith is total optimism. Thank you for accompanying me on this path. God pay you

Amiga,poco a poco va ir recibiendo buenas noticias,con fé y creyendo en un Dios que todo lo puede se logrará vencer la enfermedad,gracias a Dios no ha repercutido en otro lugar es lo bueno ,espero en otra oportunidad otra buena noticia,cuidese y feliz Tarde 🙏🙏🙏🫣🫣🙏

Gracias mi querida amiga por sus palabras sus buenos deseos. En el nombre de Jesus asi es. Amen.

 last year 

So happy to hear good news. But the fight goes on.

That's right friend, it's not over but we continue hand in hand with God and with you who are an encouragement to me. Thanks for your support.

That sounds good! I wish you a continued good recovery!

Thanks my friend. All of you fill my heart with joy. Thanks for being here with me. God bless you.

Fuerza amiga Isabel, todo estará bien solo tienes que confiar y creerlo con el corazón. Muchas bendiciones para ti y tus seres queridos.

Gracias @oneidaa, confio y le creo a mi Dios todopoderoso. Amen. Gracias por tus buenos deseos.

Amiga de verdad pido a dios por su pronta sanación y todas estas noticias buenas nos alegra, espero que todo siga marchando bien, cumpla con sus ciclos de quimio y sane completamente!!


Muchas gracias por sus oraciones, me llenan el alma de alegria. En el nombre de Jesus todo esta bien.

 last year 

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Thank you very much for your support. God bless you.

 last year (edited)

Hi Isabella, it is really nice news and I am pleased to hear it. Luckily the lymph node is clear and we should pray that chemotherapy will kill the rest of malignant cells if there is anything minor left.

Thank you for update and take care of yourself.

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Good luck! @stef1

Thanks friend, on Monday I will be with the Oncologist to see what the treatment is and of course I will be informing you. Thank you for all your support, God bless you.

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