El turko de Babel - Tras 5 cruentas jornadas de batalla, el Turco acabó sucumbiendo. Babel's turk - After five bloody days of battle, the Turk finally succumbed.steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

TURCO con GAFAS rec.jpg

Hola Steemians.
Hace cinco semanas el Turco de Babel se lanzó en una cruzada para barrer del tablero (de ajedrez) a toda alma que osara cruzarse en su camino. Su aureola de invencibilidad se extendió como la pólvora, atrayendo cada vez a más rivales que buscaban la gloria de ser el primer valiente en derribar a semejante monstruo.
(Para mayor contexto leer el post: https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@ibizaki/el-turco-de-babel-babel-s-turk )

Hello Steemians.
Five weeks ago the Turk of Babel set out on a crusade to sweep from the (chess) board every soul who dared cross his path. His halo of invincibility spread like wildfire, attracting more and more rivals seeking the glory of being the first one to take down such a monster.

(In order to have some context read: https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@ibizaki/el-turco-de-babel-babel-s-turk )

Turco rodeado.jpg
EL TURCO DE BABEL rodeado por las huestes del mal.
BABEL'S TURK surrounded by the hosts of evil.

El Turco de la leyenda era (supuestamente) un autómata, una máquina infalible de jugar y ganar al ajedrez, como es hoy día la red neuronal AlphaZero, de Demis Hasabbis y su equipo de DeepMind. Tras sus pasos, el encarnado Turco de Babel iba decapitando a todos sus rivales, sin piedad alguna; sin emoción, como una perfecta máquina de destrucción.

The Turk in the legend was (supposedly) an automaton, an infallible chess machine, like AlphaZero's neural network designed by Demis Hasabbis and his team at DeepMind. In his footsteps, the incarnate Turk of Babel was decapitating all his rivals, mercilessly, emotionlessly, like a perfect machine of destruction.

Momentos previos a la caida.jpg
EL TURCO DE BABEL asediado y pasando un trance delicado.
THE BABEL TURKEY under siege and in a delicate situation.

Pero... El Turco de Babel ni era máquina, ni programa informático, ni sobrehumano. El Turco de Babel es un simple mortal disfrazado, y con la infinita vanidad que concede la derrota, quiere anunciar a todo el mundo su grandiosa caída.

But... The Turk of Babel was neither a machine, nor a computer programme, nor superhuman. The Turk of Babel is a mere mortal in disguise, and with the infinite vanity that defeat grants, he wants to announce his great fall to the whole world.

La caida.jpg
The fall of the Turk

Atrás quedaron los humildes días de interminables victorias. Ahora El Turco de Babel ha caído del Olimpo y la voz se ha corrido. Más y más contendientes se acercan cada día con la esperanza de repetir la azaña, sabiendo de la falibilidad del otrora temible guerrero. El tigre se siente acorralado, asustado... ¡Cuidado! Es capaz de cualquier cosa.

Gone are the humble days of endless victories. Now the Turk of Babel has fallen from Olympus and word has spread. More and more contenders arrive every day in the hope of repeating the feat, knowing the fallibility of the once fearsome warrior. The tiger feels cornered, frightened... Beware! It is capable of anything.

 3 years ago 

Now Ibiza is celebrating the downfall of the invincible Turk! See what happens next week! ;-)

Hey @ibizaki nice to see you back, I love your glasses, I am sure you have a lot of compliments in regards to them. Your chess party area seems to be very popular for both kids and adults, you need to ask people to pay when they do the pictures with you :)

It is a shame to hear that the Turk of Babel fallen, but I am pretty sure that is his tactic to attract more people.

By the way, there is not image on your thumbnail of the blog, would be good to have there something :)

Thank you for your kind words and your advice! ;-)
After four Thursdays of not losing a single game the crowd was very happy to realize I wasn't infallible.
Truth is, this small performance has engaged many of the kids into playing chess at home with their parents in order to try and beat The Turk, so in this sense it is a good initiative.
I know many chess players on the island, but till now I choose to keep this performance quiet, so the casual aficionado could engage and not feel displaced in an elite world. It makes a slower build up, but I think for the best. This is a way of attracting newcomers to chess.
I'll check the thumbnail thing, I wasn't aware of it.

You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

Thank you! :-)

 3 years ago 

No importa, está bien. Normalmente de las derrotas se extraen más conclusiones que de las victorias.

Esta no la había leído. El tigre acorralado; excelente imagen para generar impacto mental.

Gracias. Ahora que comentas la imagen, me doy cuenta de que utilicé el recurso en mi último post, sobre el Ogro de Bakú. Ya huele a ajo!

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