Birthdays and Beaches

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 days ago

I have yet to fully grasp the concept of giving and receiving gifts on birthdays. It might sound absurd to some, but I honestly fail to understand why we need to single out one specific day to give gifts. It seems a bit forced to me.

Why not show appreciation and give gifts whenever the moment feels right, rather than adhering to a societal expectation tied to a specific date on the calendar? This is likely why I usually fail to appreciate the gifts given to me on my birthday and why I rarely give gifts on others' birthdays.

To me, the value of a gift should come from the spontaneity and genuine thought behind it, not from the pressure of meeting a cultural norm. Perhaps if the tradition were more about the sentiment and less about the timing, I might feel differently.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't appreciate special moments in my life, but let me give you an example to explain what I mean. On my 21st birthday, one of my friends surprised me with 21 gifts as a birthday present. This gesture was unbelievable for me, as I'm not accustomed to receiving such things on my birthday. A significant part of my reaction stems from my family background, where exchanging gifts on birthdays is not a common practice. Even when we do give gifts, it's done randomly and not tied to any particular occasion.

However, one tradition that is deeply rooted in my family is going out for dinner on birthdays. No matter what, we never miss this ritual. Family birthday dinners are a must for us. While we might not exchange gifts, the act of coming together to celebrate over a meal holds immense value. These dinners are our way of making each other feel special and loved. It's a tradition that emphasizes presence over presents, and I believe it has played a significant role in shaping my personality and values.

Last week, we received an exciting birthday invitation from my sister-in-law's side of the family. It was for her nephew's birthday, and they had planned to celebrate it on a beach. I have never attended a birthday party on a beach before, so this invitation sparked a great deal of curiosity in me. I believe that everything in this world should be experienced at least once, and a beach birthday party was no exception.


What made this invitation even more appealing was that the party was scheduled for the evening. This meant we would get to enjoy the best part of the night at the beach, escaping the immensely heated temperatures of Karachi during the day. The idea of celebrating under the stars, with the cool ocean breeze and the sound of waves in the background.... I mean how could I have turned down this invitation?

We reached there before dusk when the air was at its finest. The cool breeze from the sea brushing against our cheeks was incredibly soothing. Normally, I’m not a big fan of beaches for a couple of reasons: the hassle they bring, like having to change out of wet clothes and dealing with sand getting inside everything. However, for this party, I enjoyed every bit of it. I decided not to go into the water, which helped me avoid the usual inconveniences. Instead, I simply sat there, letting the air and the sound of the waves create a peaceful aura around me.


Everything about that day was perfect. The hosts had brought thoughtful gifts for the kids: plastic spades and small buckets for them to make their own sandcastles. These simple yet delightful presents kept the children entertained and engaged. While the elders of the family enjoyed the sea, the kids were busy creating their sandy masterpieces. It was heartwarming to see the little ones so engrossed in their play, their laughter mixing with the sound of the waves. The thoughtful gesture of providing these gifts added an extra layer of joy to the day, ensuring that everyone, regardless of age, had something special to enjoy.



Oh, and how can I forget about the cute horses and camels the hosts had booked for unlimited rides? While many guests enjoyed riding them, I have strong reservations about the use of horses and camels on beaches in Pakistan. These animals are often not treated well; they are overaged, underfed, and poorly kept, enduring very harsh conditions. It's heartbreaking to see them in such a state, which is why I chose not to ride them. Despite the allure of a ride along the beach, I couldn't bring myself to support an activity that contributes to their suffering.

Instead, I focused on capturing the moment through my camera. I managed to get a couple of good photos of the horses and camels, appreciating their beauty from a distance. While others might have found joy in the rides, I found solace in knowing I did not contribute to their mistreatment(though I'm not judging anyone in their decisios). The photos I took serve as a bittersweet memory of the day, highlighting both the beauty and the need for compassion towards these animals.



For dinner, we enjoyed live BBQ prawns, fish, and rice, followed by the best pudding I have ever eaten. The food was so delicious, I forgot to take any pictures

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