🤖 Steemit application in Telegram | Fast! Comfortable!

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago

Hi all!
Today I want to introduce you to my development SteemBot.
Since I spend quite a lot of time on telegrams, it occurred to me to write a telegram bot. In which I and everyone else can quickly check their posts and notifications, as well as the battery and wallet.

The most important! Without indicating your keys!
You will only need to indicate your nickname without @.

The first stage is we follow the link:


Or scan the QRcode


Now we need to click Start.


After we clicked the Start button, we are asked to enter our login from Steemit.com.

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After we entered our login from Steemit.com, we are greeted by a bot. And this means that we are logged in. And we can use the functions of the bot.

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As we see, the keyboard appears. With which we can view our data.

Now everything is in order. And the first function is our profile. Where you can see your latest post and comments on it.

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The second function is Notifications in which you can see interactions with your profile.

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The third function is the community. By clicking on it you can select current communities.

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When you click on the WORLD OF XPILAR button, you are taken to our community.

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The fourth function in our Telegram application is the battery. A very relevant feature when you like to like your favorite authors.

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The fifth function is the wallet. Where can you see your balance.

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This is the small functionality we have at the start. There are certain ideas that we will implement soon.

We are also looking forward to suggestions and ideas from you.
We are also waiting for applications to add communities you like.

@rme , @rex-sumon , @shy-fox , @hungry-griffin, @pennsif

Let's make the app better together!

To be continued...

Beta version 1.03

Sincerely, your HardPhotographer


Me parece muy buena idea este robot en telegram nos hace las cosas más fáciles a la hora de buscar nuestros post y ver cuánto nos queda de poder de voto y muchas otras cosas no queda duda de que esté año será mejor para nosotros en la plataforma

 5 months ago 

Hola. Me parece que si todos hacemos un esfuerzo para promocionar la plataforma. Este año y el próximo sólo nos traerán alegría y felicidad.

 5 months ago 

Когда я первый раз обращался к своему профилю через бота, у меня запросили пароль. При последующих обращениях запроса пароля не было. Через бота у меня получилось оставить ответ на комментарий под моим постом.
Может быть возможен и постинг :)
Думаю тем, у кого есть Телеграм этот бот будет полезен :)
Благодарствую за проделанный труд)

 5 months ago (edited)

Да это сам steemit запросил у вас пароль. :)
Большое вам спасибо ,что вы активно участвуете в тестировании. Без вас мои результаты были бы на много скромнее.
Прошу меня простить за то ,что не указал вас как тестировщика данного бота. Но я обязательно исправлюсь в следующем посте.

 5 months ago 

Да ладно, какой такой тестировщик ))
Обычный любопытный юзер ;)

 5 months ago 

Love it, looks great

 5 months ago 

Thank you! We will develop this idea further. Thank you for your support.

 5 months ago 

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

 5 months ago 

Thank you for including it in your collection.

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