Steemit Engagement Challenge WOX Community S10W3: Architectural Photography: One Building | @haidee [ENG/ESP]

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)

Hi Steemit friends. / Saludos amigos de Steemit.

Photo of my authorship, was taken with a Casio Exilim camera. | Caracas, Venezuela | @haidee

The photos belong to one of the Traki buildings, located on the Main Avenue of San Martín, intersection with B street, El Empedrado sector, San Juan Parroquia, Caracas, Venezuela. This one belongs to the chain of sales of fashion products, articles for the home, hardware, food and clothing.

Las fotos pertenecen a unos de los edificios de Traki, ubicado en la Avenida Principal de San Martín, cruce con calle B, sector el Empedrado, Parroquia San Juan, Caracas, Venezuela. Éste es perteneciente a la cadena de ventas de productos de moda, artículos para el hogar, ferretería, alimentos y ropa.

The exterior structure of this building is square. Inside the building, the walls of the façade are made of clear glass, they allow the entry of natural light and it can be easily seen to the outside, the ceilings are white and highlight a large number of light bulbs.

La estructura exterior de este edificio es cuadrada. El interior del edificio la paredes de la fachada son de vidrios claros, permiten la entrada de la luz natural y se puede observar con facilidad hacia el exterior, los techos son de cielo raso y resaltan una gran cantidad de bombillos de luz blanca.

The floors of the buildings are white porcelain. | @haidee

The site provides for the use of three elevators near the center of the structure. The three elevators are supported on an iron structure, the sides are lined with transparent glass that allows visibility to all areas of the building.

El sitio provee el uso de tres ascensores cerca del centro de la estructura. Los tres ascensores están soportados en una estructura de hierro, los lados están forrados en vidrios transparentes que permite la visibilidad a todas las áreas del edificio.

I hope you liked my participation!

¡Espero les hayan gustado mi participación!

 last year (edited)

WOX Community Engagement Challenge Season 10W3

A large modern building, you showed its "stuffing" well :)
I advise you to edit the post, because according to the rules, the maximum number of photos is 6

Club Status (3 months)Club1001
Plagiarism Free1
AI generated post1
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Quality content4
Total score9
Verified by@bambuka22/06/23

Hi. Done, thank you for the advise, it's corrected now.

 last year 

🖐 😊 👌


It's interesting to see the photos of the Traki building you shared. The location on the Main Avenue of San Martín in Caracas, Venezuela, seems to be a bustling area. Traki appears to be a versatile chain that offers a wide range of products, including fashion items, household goods, hardware, food, and clothing.

I'm curious to know more about Traki. Could you provide some insights into the shopping experience at Traki? Are there any unique features or special offerings that set it apart from other stores? Additionally, do they have a strong presence in other parts of Venezuela as well?

Hi, Traki make thematic offers per week, the offers are rotated in weeks, a week of clothes for women, a week of clothes for men and a week of clothes and toys for children. Traki has a presence in almost all of Venzuela, it's found mainly in the main cities of the States.

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @f2i5, member of team #2 at 50%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 22/06/2023


Hola haidee, me pare interesante como la empresa traki se ha encargado poner su sello alrededor del pais. Honestamente no se me hubiese ocurrido tomarle fotos a una tienda, pero es genial porque sin duda puedes entrar. Yo justo estaba pensando que es complicado entrar a todos los edificios que vemos.

Saludos 😊

Hola amiga cierto a veces no podemos tomar fotos a todas las tiendas, pero menos mal no tuve ningún inconveniente, porque a veces los dueños se ponen delicados.

Amiga gracias por tu apoyo y comentarios.


Hola amiga @haidee, wow muy bien las fotografías que has tomado de este edificio comercial, te felicito por un gran trabajo que has presentado. Te deseo mucha suerte en este desafío.

Hola amiga muchas gracias por tu apoyo y comentarios.

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