Healthy Anarchism or a New Approach to Economics (Part 1)

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

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Hello humans! Recently, I have been thinking a lot about the modern economic system, about how people live now, and what to do with it.

Attention! All that will be said is just my ideas, my opinion. You can either accept them or refuse them. I have no purpose to impose anything on anyone. Just Think.

Let's first define WHERE we live and HOW.


In my subjective opinion, we live in a broken system. A system of broken values. This system is contrary to human nature.

We live in a world where money has too much price. This price of money is more important than kindness, love, freedom. Most people are forced to go to their unloved work every day and waste the most valuable irreplaceable human resource - time. People spend from 8 hours a day on unloved work, 2 hours a day on the road, from 1 hour a day for lunch, 8 hours for sleep. Let's count: 8 + 2 + 1 + 8 = 19. There are 24 hours a day. 24-19 = 5. FIVE hours for what you love. This is less than a quarter of the time in a day. And most likely you will not use those 5 hours every day because you will be too tired from your main job. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The issue of housing is just as acute, regardless of the country in which you live. If you were born into a simple family, then it is almost impossible to have your piece of land or a house that will belong to you and only you, and not to the ruling corporations. In most European cities, all real estate was bought out long ago and people rent their homes all their lives or pay off loans for decades.

I once made calculations for my country, based on the average salary, food prices, and the amount that can be saved for housing. These calculations were aimed at how many years a person would need to save money for their home. The figure shocked me. 300 years old. 300 years of CARL!

"Eat food as medicine, so as not to eat medicine as food"


If I am not mistaken, this was once said by Hippocrates.

Another topic that I cannot ignore is nutrition. What we eat has a direct way with what we have today. We live in a world where food producers are directly associated with pharmaceutical corporations. Food is destructive and addictive. The food industry is laying a direct road to the pharmacy, and then to the cemetery. But in front of the cemetery, there is usually a path of great expense.

We have a complex problem. Nothing happens for one reason, usually, the problem comes from several reasons at once. Most of my thoughts are aimed at solving this problem. To solve this problem, we have to work a lot on ourselves and our habits.

Someone is trying to solve this problem through a revolution, someone through a struggle with the system and laws, my approach is to create a new society, consisting of people who, of their own free will, want to be in it. But to enter this society, we need to free ourselves from the shackles. The shackles of habits, the shackles of slavery, fear, imposed values.

To be continued...
In the next post, we will reflect on what a modern society should look like.

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