Steemit Engagement Challenge WOX Community S6W3: Drawing Trees

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

Small Pencil 😂

Here we are again entering in a new steemit Engagement Challenges week. The WOX community is doing all best effort to present good and good topics and themes for Engagement Challenge weeks. This time once again the challenge is relating with drawing, or sketching.
I am not that kind of author who reveal the drawing or sketch in thumbnail of post 😂. Because this will help me to catch people till the End of post. Whenever the drawing or sketch is powerful maybe I will use it as first photo.
I invite @brown-panther, @rafk & @afshaan to participate in this awesome challenge.

Step 1


I did draw a sketch which is just like a cloud in start. As you all know I am new in drawing and sketching and this is happening because of the WOX community. Thanks to Community for nominating me as a winner in first challenge for the very first drawing I created.
This cloud shape helped me alot for further stages. All the steps I taken very carefully but I know it is again difficult to create a tree in drawing. Maybe it is very difficult to me.

Step 2


Just added three of that clouds shapes into the sketch. These are not located nor well placed. But if somehow we can get these shapes perfectly we can create a nice tree through pencil sketching, believe me.
These cloud shapes helped me to represent the leaves in tree. The sketch is completely different from the other drawings and sketches because of this technically added cloud shapes. 😂

Step 3

After all the tree needs to be done and it is not complete without branches and the stem. So I added both of these into the sketch. The sketch now got a familiar look. Because of these two major shapes were added into the tree sketch.

Step 4


Now we are going to complete it in the next stage. In this stage not any important things happened in sketch. So I was thinking to add shading in the sketch I have saw many of sketches with shading and the looks beautiful. But the shading is indeed a difficult job. If we can not do shading properly, as I was not able to do. Then the sketch can be ruined. Here is the final results;

That's all for today!

It's @growwithme

 2 years ago 

Buena descripción del proceso de realización de tu dibujo. Yo no hubiera comenzado por una nube y luego otra y luego otra y así hasta terminarlo. Primero habría encajado toda la estructura del árbol en el centro de la página y después haría esas nubes (masas de hojas) también abocetándolas y despues uniria esas masas vegetales mediante ramas, como tú has hecho. Para el sombreado piensa el lugar de donde viene la luz y verás como la sombra se coloca en el sitio opuesto. Si pintas el árbol real al aire libre, entorna los ojos y dejarás de ver detalles y distinguirás mejor las zonas oscuras de las claras, lo que te facilitará el trabajo.
Has realizado un esfuerzo con tu dibujo por lo que te agradecemos tu participación.


I hope I can learn more and more. I am still trying to become neat and clean in sketching.

 2 years ago 

Hello @growwithme, thank you for participating in the contest.

Please try to support other users who took part in the contest and also leave your comment over there, it is engagement challenge :)

I wish you success

WOX Community Engagement Challenge S6W2

Club StatusClub1001
Plagiarism Free1
Bot free1
Quality content2
Total score6
Verified by@bambuka05/12/22

Yeah as this is the first entry I am waiting for other posts to comment.

 2 years ago (edited)

What happened?
I saw your previous drawing where you won a good third place for your beautiful and careful work.
Now you present us with a careless drawing on a folded sheet.
You could have done so much better.


Yeah my fault. I am sorry. I was having some issues here.(sickness 😷) I will try better next time.

Greetings Steemian

I can imagine with a cloud you start the drawing. Oh my god! The result is awesome.

Thank you for sharing with us 😊

Thank you for your comment. The cloud shape really did help me.

Hola no soy experto en esto del dibujo , pero me parece que realizo su mejor esfuerzo, mi recomendación podría ser en que la parte superior del árbol sea mas frondosa y así se apreciaría mejor, pronto estaré publicando mi entrada y espero recomendaciones

میں خود بھی ابھی سیکھ رہا ہوں۔ ان شاءاللہ اچھے کی کوشش جاری ہے۔ آپ کے تبصرے کا شکریہ ۔

excelente dibujo.

Thank you.

Guao sorprendente dibujo, me llamo mucho la atención porque veo que las personas comienzan el dibujo desde arriba y no sé si tengo esa manía o se me hace más fácil a mi empezar desde abajo, el dibujo cada día se aprende cosas nuevas. Suerte en el concurso.

Thank you.

Hola @esmalte17, tuviste mucha imaginación al hacer las nubes primero, el dibujo se ve bien con sus cuatro nubes y la forma que tiene el árbol. Te deseo muy suerte en el desafío. Yo aún estoy pensando que árbol hacer para participar 🤔.

Best wishes to you too. You can better imagine what type of tree you like to create.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @growwithme

You can see a good job, a well-designed tree, although I think that in a cleaner sheet, it would have stood out more.

Thanks for joining the contest.

You are right. Thank you for your supportive words. I will try to be careful every next time.

Para ser el primer dibujo le quedó muy bien amigo @growwithme, a los que no somos dibujantes experimentados nos cuesta un poco más, felicitaciones por este buen trabajo.

Saludos, éxitos.

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