"The world of animals" Great Video Competition number 02 - "The protective instinct" ( VIDEO ) by @gaborockstar

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

Hola querida comunidad de @xpilar WORLD OF XPILAR; acá me encuentro nuevamente participando de este divertido concurso del mundo de los animales... estamos en el mes de mayo, mes de las madres y en casa tenemos una gata que recién acaba de dar a luz a una camada de cuatro gatitos; recién murió el cuarto de los hermanos que nació de último. Sin embargo acá la observamos haciendo uso de sus instintos cuando le retiramos uno de los cachorros sólo para ver como actuaba.

Snapshot 8 (06-05-2020 09-22 a.m.).png

Hello dear community of @xpilar WORLD OF XPILAR; here I am again participating in this fun contest of the animal world... we are in the month of May, month of the mothers and in house we have a cat that just gave birth to a litter of four kittens; just died the fourth of the brothers that was born last. However, here we observe her using her instincts when we took one of the kittens away from her just to see how she acted.

Snapshot 10 (06-05-2020 09-23 a.m.).png

The World of animals competition 02

There are many prizes, 2000 STEEM can be won in the competition

The "world of animals" competition will last for 8 weeks and for
each week of competition there will be 3 prizes.

Steem Society decides who wins each week

1st place 100 Steem
2nd place 50 Steem
3rd place 25 Steem

After 8 weeks of competition,
anyone who submitted a video will join the main finals.
Steem Society decides who wins in the finals.

The prizes in the final are:
1st place 300 Steem
2nd place 200 Steem
3rd place 100 Steem

Si te interesa este concurso y deseas participar acá te dejo el enlace de la competencia para que te enteres de las reglas:



Snapshot 9 (06-05-2020 09-22 a.m.).png

Youtube Channel

 4 years ago 

This publication has been taken into account in My Weekly Selection to be supported with an extra bonus from Steem and/or SBD.

World Of Pilar appreciates your effort to create quality content.


 4 years ago (edited)

Hai @gaborockstar

Thank you for participating in the video competition
"The World of Animals 02"

Regards @sultan-aceh @art-venture and @xpilar


Que tierno el vídeo. Lo que es el instinto de madre. Suerte amigo Gabo.
Un abrazo.

Super liiiindo!. La experiencia de la protección de la gata hacia sus cachorros y maravillosa. Un gran saludo @gaborockstar

Las gatas son excelente madres, cuidan mucho de sus hijos y son muy celosas y delicadas si se les ven amenazados... suerte.

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