Weekly Contest "Creating Short Story Week #10" The painting young boy by@fonjougiresse

The painting young boy

Once upon a time they live a boy in a small village where there was only farm to do in order to sustain a living, the boy came from a poor family but was very talented he had an art talent where he could draw what so ever he wanted. But unfortunately his mates and surroundings did not believe in him so each time he draws they mocked at him.


One-day while he was going to fetch water, he saw and old lady who had supernatural powers she asked “Oh son please can you help me with some fresh water” the kind heart child of course gave water to the old lady and helped her along the way. To reward him the old lady said as from today all what you will paint will come to realise itself.


The young boy returned to his parents and report what happened while he was going to fetch water. What the young guy decided to do is to paint how his family and villagers have good yields in their farms in order for them to have a better living.


This is the painting young boy

The old woman wanted indeed to help the village by passing through the young boy who was persecuted by his friends.

Thank you for your king attention and reading.

Stay blessed

 3 years ago 

Greetings my friend @fonjougiresse

Interesting story about a young man, who receives the gift of making everything he can paint come true, thanks to a good work he did to an old lady.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.

Participant #14

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