{⭐} THE DIARY GAME: 01.08.2020 - What a fun Saturday!

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

So this is my first time posting an entry for the Diary Game! I've already been checking out some entries and it's pretty fun to see how other people are doing!

By the time I'm writing this, it's almost 10pm here in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was a pretty warm day, considering that it's winter season. I woke up at 9am, had some tea and orange cake for breakfast (made by me, it was pretty good!) and arranged to meet some friends by the riverside.

Es la primera vez que realizo una publicación para el Juego del Diario! Ya estuve leyendo algunos de los posteos que hicieron y es bastante entretenido ver qué hacen otras personas!

A la hora en la que me encuentro escribiendo esto, son casi las 10pm aquí en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fue un día bastante cálido, considerando que estamos en invierno. Desperté a las 9am y, como desayuno, tomé té y comí budín de naranja (hecho por mí, estaba muy rico!). Quedé en encontrarme con algunos amigos en el río para pasear y caminar.

Weather from Accuweather.com!

We got there by midday and walked for a while. It was really nice to be able to spend some time with friends, just laughing and enjoying fresh air! It was crowded, full of children, dogs and people doing sports; despite this, all of them were keeping distance from each other! Here's a picture I took of the landscape:

Nos encontramos al mediodía y caminamos un rato. Fue realmente lindo poder pasar un tiempo con ellos, sólo riendo y disfrutando del aire libre! Estaba bastante lleno de niños, perros y personas haciendo deporte, pero, a pesar de esto, todos estaban manteniendo distancia y usando barbijo. Aquí les muestro una foto que tomé del paisaje:


After hanging there for a while, I had lunch with my best friend and we played videogames all afternoon long! We had some coffee and chatted for a long time. We started making plans for my birthday, it's in two weeks and this year I can only gather with two or three friends (due to sanitary reasons...) and perhaps might do a Zoom meeting with the rest of my friends. Not my ideal type of birthday, but we can all celebrate later!

Luego de estar allí por un rato, almorcé con mi mejor amigo y jugamos videojuegos toda la tarde! Tomamos café y hablamos por un largo rato. También comenzamos a realizar planes para mi cumpleaños, es en dos semanas y este año sólo podré juntarme con dos o tres amigos (debido a que aún no podemos realizar grandes celebraciones) y, quizás, haga una reunión por Zoom con el resto de mis amigos. No es mi tipo de celebración ideal de cumpleaños, pero siempre podremos juntarnos una vez que todo esto pase.

I got home by 8pm and catched up with my reading and studying. I'm trying to understand everything that's related to cryptocurrencies. I'm into stock market, but I'd never got into this! I found it fascinating, but there's so many information out there... I've checked some posts here as well, specially the ones from @cryptofinally! (You go, girl!)

Llegué a mi casa alrededor de las 8pm y retomé mis estudios. Estoy intentando aprender lo más que pueda acerca de las criptomonedas. Me interesa mucho el mercado de valores y la bolsa, pero nunca me había interesado en las cripto! Me parece fascinante, pero hay tanta información por leer... También revisé algunos de los posteos que algunos usuarios de aquí realizan, me gustan mucho los de @cryptofinally, por ejemplo!

It was a nice day, now I'll read for another while and then I'm probably going to start watching The Umbrella Academy. I got told that it's quite interesting, so I'm going to give it a try!

Fue un lindo día, ahora seguiré leyendo y aprendiendo por un rato. Luego, probablemente, comience a mirar la serie The Umbrella Academy, me dijeron que es interesante, por lo que me intriga!

Thank you for reading!

Tomorrow I'll probably post my "This is me" introduction!


Hi @fendit nice first diary. I hope you get to celebrate your birthday with love one smoothly and merrily even if not everyone is present. Cryptocurrency is much volatile compare to stock market, and I hope you learn the crypto whales pattern if you're going to trade crypto. As they are ruthless,, you might think its a bull run but they will rekt you at the peak while you fear of missing out and buy all your coin especially bitcoin at all time high price and get to hold a bag as you see the price go deep at the lower low again. All the best on your cryptocurrency venture. Checkout @shortsegments too as he often talk about crypto finance on his blog.

For "This is me" you can just put the link of your Achievement 1 as your introduction, but you can always make a new one and put your achievement 1 link into your new "this is me" post. Keep steeming 😊

Hey Kannon! :)
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll check @shortsegments, but everything's so confusing from time to time! I think that by now, or till I can learn a little bit more, I'm going to rely on stablecoins and that's it. I'm no longer interested in investing in Argentina's stock market either, so that could be an interesting thing to do!

Great! I'll edit both posts to include it, I thought I needed another post for it!

Thank you for always guiding and helping!! :)

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