The Diary Game, Sunday 9 August 2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


Every day I usually wake up early. and I always start my habit by getting up early. I woke up at 05.30 and went straight to the bathroom after bathing, and did not forget to take my ablution to carry out the morning prayers with my wife and my children.


Caffee area Sinar Pagi kupie city sampoiniet kec. baktiya barat Aceh Utara.

At 8 00 am,
As usual, my activities to the "Caffee Sinar Pagi kupie" place to drink a cup of coffee in Sampoiniet City and enjoy a cup of coffee, smell the scent of steaming hot coffee that gives off a feeling of sleepiness when with my best friend Saful Bahri, ustazd Fajri, Iskandar and Jalaluddin while drinking a cup coffee we share experiences during the Pandemic (Covid-19) which has not ended in Indonesia.

Today I discuss with them about direct cash assistance (BLT), extended by the central government until the end of December 2020, education of school children, jobs, and the current economy of rural residents, not too long in the Sinar Pagi caffee, because the day there is accompanying the team for implementing activities, and the village secretary.

List of drinks and cake prices at Caffee Sinar Pagi kupie kota sampoiniet kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara,
1 cup of coffee Rp. 5,000 (Five thousand rupiah)
1 cake Rp. 1,000 (One thousand rupiah)
Great drinking coffee with 4 members at Caffee Sinar Pagi Kupie

This morning my shopping total was: Rp. 25,000- (twenty five thousand rupiah)


the construction area for connecting clean water pipes to residents' homes.

Matang raya village, blang sialet kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara

At 09.30 in the morning, I with the implementation team, the activity regarding connecting clean water pipes to the houses of the residents of the village of matured raya, blang sialet, continued again after a 2-week leave for welcoming Eid al-Adhar which was welcomed by the rural waga at that time.

I am with Jamaluddin, the activity implementation team and Muhammat the village secretary to facilitate the field of development that is being carried out for the connection of clean water pipes to residents' homes by workers who are working to dig up the ground where the water pipes are clean and finish seeing conditions in the field then I as the village fund supervisor team interviewed the team implementation of activities, and the village secretary regarding the use of village funds as expected and running smoothly


area of ​​the TAKWINUL MUNTAZI pesantren, Matang bayu village, kec. Baktiya barat Aceh Utara

At 12.30pm, I delivered my son's food at the TAKWINUL MUNTAZI Islamic Boarding School in Matang Bayu Village, traveling to the Islamic Boarding School on a two-wheeled motorbike, about 30 minutes, the distance arrived at the Islamic boarding school where my son studied

My son was waiting at the gate with his best friend then I immediately met him to hand over the food I brought today and then I gave a little direction to my son about education, good morals in front of his teacher, maintain health, cleanliness and get along well with his friends after that I said goodbye to return home, because there was a report that had not been submitted to the district coordinator.


Toko Nasir photocopy of the city of Sampoiniet kec. baktiya barat Aceh Utara.

Arriving in the city of Sampoiniet I went to the photocopy shop to prepare weekly reports. This is handed over to the sub-district coordinator because this week there is an inspection team from the Regency going down to the sub-district to check the implementation of village fund activities in 2020



Sub-district office area.Baktiya barat Aceh Utara.

At 2.00 in the afternoon, we received an invitation from the head of the West Baktiya sub-district regarding the meeting with the DPD RI from Aceh H Sudirman alias Haji Uma again to visit the sub-district of Baktiya Barat, Aceh Utara, this time the visit of Haji Uma to hold a meeting with village heads of all West Baktiya sub-districts in order to absorb aspirations village heads in the meeting were attended by 26 village heads

During the meeting the village head questioned many things to Haji Uma related to regional and national issues such as agriculture, fisheries, education, culture, economy and the welfare of the community. All the questions raised by the village head Haji Uma responded well to the welfare of rural communities.


Complete tasks at the village house of Paya Bateung, Kec Baktiya Barat, Aceh Utara

At 10:00 at night, I worked on the task that was asked by my boss about the financial reports of the Village Fund for Saspras and non-Saspras which had already been completed in the working area, in Desa Cot Murong, Matang Raya Blang Sialet, Lhok Euncien and Pucok Alue to work for 2 hours for the report. finally finished I am very relieved tonight, everything I do from morning to night there are no obstacles, everything is smooth.

Tomorrow I will tell you more. That's all for today.
Representatives from STATE INDONESIA who were recruited to STEEM POD as follows:

@anroja and @ernaerningsih
Southeast Asia Curator

The Indonesian team consisting of:

@p3d1, @muzack1 and @lord-geraldi.

Thank you for visiting the @f21steem blog.
 4 years ago 

Semakin hari semakin bagus alur ceritanya, sebaiknya setiap photo diberikan keterangan, detail... Sukses selalu

Terima kasih banyak bang @muzak1 atas arahan dan saran yang baik, ya kedepan saya lakukan yang lebih baik.
Saya sangat senang dan berbangga dengan saran dan nasehatnya semoga bermanfaat untuk saya dan komunitas dan meningkatkan rasa solidaritas dan kepedulian sesama aggota.

Salam sukses.....

Postingan ini telah dihargai oleh akun kurasi @steemcurator08 dengan dukungan dari Proyek Kurasi Komunitas Steem.

Selalu ikuti @steemitblog untuk mendapatkan info terbaru.

Salam @ernaerningsih

Tulisan harian anda sangat bagus kawan, semakin mendetail dan enak untuk di baca.

@shortsegments reward post

Tetima kasih pak @anroja

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