Ink drawing of a Dog

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago


Hello everyone,
I hope you all had a nice weekend.
Today I would be sharing with you all a ink drawing I made of a Puppy. I use a blue ball point pen so below is the original work I did but after I was done I tried out some edit and I got the image above I just love it.


This drawing reminded me of a story I read few weeks ago of Hachiko. I even read there was a movie on it. Hachiko is based on a true story that starts in Japan in 1924 when a professor at the University of Tokyo adopts an Akita dog. Over time, the two become inseparable friends and manage to strengthen their bond to the point where the dog would go with the professor to the train station and then return home to wait for his beloved owner to pick him up in the afternoon.

The professor worked for around two years before passing away there, and could not come back to the railway station where his devoted companion Hachiko was waiting for him. This devoted friend spent the subsequent ten years traveling to the train station to wait for the teacher to arrive at the station.

This movie touched my heart when I first watched it; it is a very sad story where the true friendship between man and dog is shown. Such was the loyalty that this dog had that they decided to make a statue in front of the train station. That is why the proverb "a dog is a man's best friend" is used.

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Here is the statue of Hachiko.
Thanks for the stopping by to read my post, do drop your comments I would love to read and reply them all.








Thanks for the visit.

 2 years ago 


They are totally faithful, adorable, intelligent creatures, that movie is wonderful, what a good drawing, friend, I love that breed.


Yes I really love dogs and pets in generally but too bad I can't keep any for now. They are so loyal and protective of therr owner or let me say friends. Thanks for stopping by.

 2 years ago 

Esta manera de trabajar tuya es distinta de lo habitual. Lo normal sería trabajar todo el dibujo a la vez; primero grises claros en todo el conjunto, luego grises medios encima de los claros; posteriormente los oscuros encima de los grises medios. Una vez todo entonado se darían los grises casi negros. Tú lo haces como si desde un punto determinado del papel se fuera extendiendo una mancha completa hasta llenar todo el perro. Es difícil entonar en grises de esta manera, pero... tú lo consigues, felicidades por este buen trabajo.

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much I guess I would try out that method and see the out come. I really appreciate your comment on my work.

Great job. I knew the story and even saw that movie and remember it being especially sad and moving.

That's wonderful, thanks for stopping by my friend @iaberius

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