
in WORLD OF XPILAR11 months ago


The first impression I had on seeing this digital drawing, and the topic attached to it was the Fort Knox. One of the most secured facility in the world, it is impregnable. Hence, this story is based on the digital drawing above made by @xpilar, I hope you find the story interesting and educating.

         The FORT XX

John is a major business man, successful in every area known to business. He expands his business at every given opportunity, ha basically has his fleet of advisers and knowledgeable employees doing their best to make him happy. Just as they say; no one is satisfied with what he has, so is John’s case.

John can be described as a man who had it all, but unfortunately he had no one to share his fortune with. He only had extended family who hated him because he was better than them, he hated them likewise. His wife and kids were involved in a plane crash when they were travelling home from the summer break last year, this incident affected him psychologically, and it was as if the incident seared his conscience.

I know you must be wondering where he spends all his fortune, especially now that his family is gone. He spends his time and money collecting art works, artifacts and precious gadget all over the world. Basically all he had were his collections, his mansion, and his cars but his collections outweighed them all, worth billions of dollars. I forgot to mention that John is one of the richest men in the world.

His collections are increasing by the day, and for fear of burglary, he decided to build a failsafe where he would keep his collections from the eyes of the world. One might simply ask why John collects this works and what he uses them for, but only John knows. He contracted engineers to build a failsafe for him; it should be as large and spacious with wings and corners from the north, east, south, and west angles. He wanted the failsafe to be on a deserted island, from the preying eyes of man.

Somewhere secure where the location would not be known, the access was to be restricted to him only. The engineers signed a nondisclosure agreement; they were dropped off for the job in a helicopter, so they basically had no idea about the location.

The construction was massive, he made sure of it. Well fortified, with military personnel patrolling every time of the day. He even opened an army barracks few miles to the location, and of course he monitors the location with his satellite. The building is impregnable, the lock switches the code automatically every hour, and it can only be accessed with an eyes scanner and a thumbprint alongside the codes. It was a major Fort, the best known. He called the name of the fortress, “FORT XX”.


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 11 months ago 

excellent narration, thank you

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