Spotted street. Culmination

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

I would never have thought that I would shoot people in a graphic way! I go against every lesson of my first photographic teacher, and the second one I has already "disobeyed" many times.


I shoot in cloudy weather, the plot is not important for me, people are spots for me, there is no plans (although it seems so) general, everything is contrary.

If I had more money to experiment with, I would print photos in large format more often and show them live to people more often.

So you looked at the post and everyone chose one or two photos for themselves.

And there are sixteen of them. In the previous one, about the same number and the same amount will be approximately in subsequent posts.

And from each post one or two best photos are selected.

This is how a selection is created for publication on social networks, for print in a magazine, for display at an exhibition.

I show here all the way, since my blog is still a bit educational.

From one point, you can make several different plots.

Even if the view does not change, the key object changes.

If one person has already left the field of vision, then a new one appears.

So you can stand in one place and endlessly add different puzzles.

On the one hand, this is even very interesting.

Here again the idea came up while writing the post!

All the characters in the photos are dear to me, especially those with whom I have been in contact. For example, a young man in a red jacket asked to call him a taxi. And the old man who follows him once wrote articles for the regional newspaper, and he is 86 years old.

But even those who just passed by, then remain in the pictures for many years as the heroes of the film, even if not all the main ones.

To be continued...

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