About parallel worlds

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

After writing a post about different creative waves and attitudes towards them, I came up with one idea. Rereading old posts, I used to think that the information that they contain, the thoughts that I expressed at that moment, were old and were relevant only at that moment, and in the future they no longer work.

It turned out to be a little different.

Those thoughts worked only on the frequency I was on, and when the frequency changed, they became inapplicable to another.

That's because in some old posts there is something that becomes relevant again and has with it the continuation and development of thought.

It turns out that different creative waves are different worlds, different prisms of perception of reality. Something may overlap somewhere, since there is no obvious clear boundary between them, but something turns out to be completely incompatible.

I have been studying this phenomenon throughout the spring, after I disconnected from photographing dugouts, courtyards in various suburban towns and villages, and connected to the reportage wave.

At that time it seemed to me that I was unknowingly fulfilling some kind of mission, since I was attracted to them like a magnet and all the circumstances around me contributed to this, creating all the favorable conditions for visiting such places.

After disconnecting from that frequency, it seems to me as if it wasn't me and everything I did was pointless.

But I know that's not the case and it's just different frequencies.

That's because I've jumped from wave to wave so many times before. Spotted street now seems to me like some kind of pampering, although a week ago I was sure that I was doing it cool. And last year, I was not interested in the whole street and the whole reportage photo, since I was on the wave of dugouts and other mystical places in my opinion.

The question is, why can't we somehow combine frequencies, waves, so that I can be on a reportage during the day, and be in space from the dugouts that same evening? They work too globally somehow. If I'm burned out from one direction and connected to another, then it's for a long time. It turns out to be an interesting alternation – I was in space all last year, and the year before that on the street, and two years ago again in space among the yards, and three years ago again on the reportage-street wave...and so it is every year.

Does this mean that there will be no space this year? Maybe it won't be. Or maybe yes, because global switching is not tied to the calendar beginning of the year. It can happen at any time, both in winter and in summer. I would like to track this cycle as accurately as possible in order to know and prepare for a certain inner state.

The internal state, by the way, does not always depend on external factors. Last year, I caught space in early May and it lasted until the end of February this year. It turned out to be about ten months.

And I also found a post from five years ago that I had already forgotten about. That's where I first wrote about the change of creative waves. How long ago it was, it turns out!

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