Meeno and Muffin

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago (edited)

One fine summer morning, I was watching my favourite TV show - Just Kids with my brothers. I don't exactly remember the year but we were all under 10, without a care in the world. Dad was watering the plants and mom was setting up the breakfast spread. She called twice to hurry up and gather for breakfast.

When the show ended, we all lazily walked to the breakfast table where Meeno was already sniffing every item from eggs to chaye. That day my mom's patience went out of the roof. She was adamant that we had to get rid of that nasty cat and I agreed with her.

Meeno was my dad's cat - it wasn't exactly a pet but a street cat which my dad spoiled by offering her meat and milk all the time.

She used to come inside the home at every opportunity and created mayhem in our otherwise squeaky clean and organized home. Mom was a person who couldn't bear a dust particle in the home let alone a cat hair. For her, everything had to be in its place all the time but the cat loved chaos and well...she was found in the garbage cans half the time.

Once she even gave birth to kittens in my mom's cupboard.

Meeno was like an obnoxious fourth child that my mom didn't have. We were all well-behaved at least more than Meeno. After multiple such incidents, as if she was ashamed, she left us.

Years later, we were having evening tea in our new home, when suddenly a cat came from nowhere at the doorstep. My dad went ahead and immediately recognized her. She was Meeno - old, fragile, and dying. She had a deep cut on the neck. Dad took her in, fed her, and tended to its wounds. But she took her last breaths that day in our new home.

It was a sad day.

Mom doesn't hate animals. She would feed them outside the home. It's just that she doesn't want them in her home.

I got that from mom. I find them cute but from a distance. No touching or proximity allowed.

One of my brothers got his love for animals from Dad. Growing up, he made friends with every street cat and spent a lot of money on injured or sick animals.

He once came back home crying because a grumpy cat almost killed a few days old kitten who was wandering alone on the road because its mom ditched her for some reason.

My brother is now married and lives in his own home. He has finally bought a cat - a proper pet. I don't know what else to call a trained or tamed animal.


Muffin Chills

Mom visited him a few days ago and guess what, she loves that kitten - who's by the way known as 'Muffin'. It's cute and clean and doesn't live in my mom's home, so obviously she has no grudges against that animal. 😅

Now the problem is, my brother travels sometimes for work and to visit family, he can't take Muffin along and travel across the country.

He got it on impulse and didn't think it through which is why he's now trying to find another loving owner for that adorable kitty.


Muffin Sleeps

He considered sending it to my Dad (Mom agreed surprisingly) but that'd be 13 hours of road travel and the airlines are charging more than double of the regular fare of a human passenger.

His options are limited to the city now. Anyone who lives in Karachi and is interested in getting a cat or knows someone who loves cats, please contact me on Discord.

Some Traits of Muffin

Age67 days
EyesSky Blue

I haven't even met her and already feeling farewell blues. Muffin painfully reminded me of Meeno. I think if I dig deep into old family photos, I'd find some pictures of her too.

Pictures of Muffin were taken by my brother and used with his consent.


The fact that Meeno sought out his family to die is heartbreaking and gave me goosebumps. The instincts of animals are phenomenal, a miracle of creation.
Was your new home far away from your old cat home?

She used to disappear for months but always came back home. Our new home was a little far but in the same town. It was indeed very surprising and heartbreaking. I thought it was the dog who seeks the man and a cat seeks the home.

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I hope Muffin finds a good home. She looks like a younger version of our 14 year old cat, Snowflake.

Your Snowflake looks more like the late Meeno. Love the contrast between her tail and rest of the body.

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Thank you for the support, @heriadi.

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