Photo contest: post processing #8 - High key

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

Oh @bambuka this week you have challenged us to do something different and also to take our library photos or failing that go out hunting for a good picture.

I have a bit of a cold this time so I won't be going out hunting. I will take from my graphic library a picture I took last week when I went for a walk and that I think fits what I want to achieve.

If you want to participate go to post processing #8

Oh! @bambuka esta semana nos has retado a hacer algo diferente y además a sacar nuestras fotos de la biblioteca o en su defecto salir de cacería para obtener una buena imagen.

Esta vez estoy un poco resfriada, así que no saldré a cazar. Tomaré de mi biblioteca gráfica una foto que hice la semana pasada cuando salí a caminar y que pienso se adapta a lo que quiero lograr.

Si quieres participar entra en post processing #8


Final effect achieved by reaching the "High Key" I don't know if I have achieved it, but I can tell you that I liked the experience and the effect achieved.

I continue in the wave of dreams. This time I saw myself walking alone at dawn. Everything was full of fog and I could not glimpse any living being around me. Suddenly a tree veiled by the darkness became present and I understood that although others hide, I am not alone.

Efecto final logrado a base de alcanzar la "Clave alta" no sé si lo he logrado, pero si puedo decirles que me gustó la experiencia y el efecto conseguido.

Sigo en la onda de los sueños. En esta ocasión me vi caminando sola al amanecer. Todo estaba lleno de neblina y no lograba vislumbrar ningún ser vivo a mi alrededor. De pronto un árbol velado por las tinieblas se hizo presente y comprendí que aunque otros se oculten, yo no estoy sola.


These are some retouches that I did initially, but I realized that I had to achieve a clearer effect, so I insisted with different tools until I achieved the desired effect.

Estos son algunos retoques que hice inicialmente, pero comprendí que debía lograr un efecto más claro, así que insistí con diferentes herramientas hasta que logre el efecto deseado.


Esta es la fotografía original antes de manipularla.



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At first glance, your final result looks like a certain kind of Japanese drawing, mostly of cherry trees, I think. I like it!

Dein Endergebnis wirkt auf den ersten Blick wie eine bestimmte Art japanischer Zeichnungen, meist von Kirschbäumen, glaube ich. Mag ich!

I'm glad you took part despite the slight cold, and I hope it gets better soon.

To your picture, it's mysterious, I didn't know exactly if it was a tree or maybe just a small plant. Reminds me a bit of a meadow hogweed.

If I had to invent an idea or story to go with the picture, I think of someone lost in a foggy swamp. Even though he is slightly afraid and wanders around in the thick fog, he is confident that he will find the right way.

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