Photo contest: post processing #6

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Congratulations @bambuka, your contest is acquiring a deep meaning, not only do you make us play with the images, you also motivate us to reflect and take sides in the meaning of what is not seen.
For those who want to participate this is the link to the proposal post processing #6

Felicidades @bambuka, tu concurso está adquiriendo un significado profundo, no solo nos haces jugar con las imágenes, también nos motivas a reflexionar y tomar partido en el significado de lo que no se ve.
Para los que quieran participar este es el enlace de la propuesta post processing #6

Biblioteca de imágenes LMAC (14.8 x 10.5 cm) (20).png

This story and the image supplied by @ty_ty have given me pause for thought. A lonely bench in a snowy landscape. Makes it feel cold in the soul.
Esta historia y la imagen suministrada por @ty_ty me han hecho reflexionar. Un banco solitario en un paisaje nevado. Hace que se sienta frío en el alma.


That is why I sought to change that condition. Mainly, to create a home environment, to have a company is comforting, it can be a partner, a friend, someone to share.
In the background the house, the warmth, the home.
Finally, everything translates into feelings of peace, happiness and love.

This is where the verses of Weisser Rabe begin to play a leading role.
who could be said to define the feelings as follows:

Clear and pure
or white and milky
like fine crystal,
careful -

For the transformation of the image provided by @ty_ty I separated the snowy bench and placed it in another environment according to the situation, a white forest with the cabin in the background and the smoke from the chimney giving warmth of home.
The older couple represents experience, time, life. Feelings are fragile, they must be treated with care and nurtured.
Don Humberto knows how to do this as he reads to his friend the beautiful and haunting poem by Weisser Rabe.

Por eso busqué cambiar esa condición. Principalmente, crear un ambiente de hogar, tener una compañía es reconfortante, puede ser una pareja, un amigo, alguien con quien compartir.
Al fondo la casa, el calor, el hogar.
Finalmente, todo se traduce en sentimientos, de paz, felicidad y amor.

Es ahí donde comienza el protagonismo de los versos de Weisser Rabe
que podríamos decir que define los sentimientos así:

Claro y puro
o blanco y lechoso
como el cristal fino,
cuidadoso -

Para la transformación de la imagen suministrada por @ty_ty separé el banco nevado y lo ubiqué en otro ambiente acorde a la situación, un bosque blanco con la cabaña al fondo y el humo de la chimenea dando calor de hogar.
La pareja mayor representa la experiencia, el tiempo, la vida. El sentimiento es frágil, hay que tratarlo con cuidado y saberlo alimentar.
Don Humberto sabe hacerlo mientras le lee a su amiga el hermoso e inquietante poema de Weisser Rabe



Translated with (free version)
Invito a @oacevedo

 2 years ago 

... your contest is acquiring a deep meaning, not only do you make us play with the images, you also motivate us to reflect and take sides in the meaning of what is not seen.

Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
I must say that in deepening the topic, the merit belongs to the respected @ty-ty. I hope that he has a lot of interesting ideas in stock and he will share with us more than once.

You are a kind and warm person and this is evident from the results of your work.
By the way, a great illustration for the upcoming winter holidays :-))

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


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