Photo contest: post processing #18 / @evagavilan

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

No soy experta en el tema, pero por lo que he leído se trata de darle protagonismo al objeto sin interferencias de otros que acaparen la atención.
Recordé una fotografía que hice una vez de un par de copas y pienso que se puede adaptar a una foto minimalista.
Ahora pregunto ¿realmente puede considerarse así?

Dejo en voz de los expertos para que me guíen.

I'm no expert on the subject, but from what I've read it's all about giving prominence to the object without interference from others that hog the limelight.
I remembered a photograph I once took of a pair of glasses and I think it can be adapted to a minimalist photo.
Now I ask can it really be considered that way?

I leave it to the experts to guide me.


Otra que tal vez podría adaptarse es esta. Ambas fueron hechas con un iPhone 12 probando diferentes técnicas

Another one that could perhaps be adapted is this one.
Both were made with an iPhone 12 trying different techniques.

IMG_0699 (1).JPG




 2 years ago 

... this is some kind of "dark" story. The glasses are empty, they are nearby, but where are the two who were here... or maybe they haven't come up yet?... or they were here, but they didn't even fill their glasses... what happened... ???😎

I like this story )

I am the one who goes or swaps inside pictures, but I can't, if there already is someone else in!

The glasses are Romeo's and Julia's, emptied and united in a last clang.
The director gave the cameraman the advise of a zooming close up and just cried "cut!"
All staff applaused for the actors, because they "died" very dramatically, but without kitsch.

 2 years ago 

taken, everyone is free...
the last clink of glasses was melting in the air...
darkness filled the empty space...

Some kind of Haiku...

 2 years ago 

🤣😂 😅

All together they can make a work and it would look great. @bambuka, the glasses, the horse, death,
@ty-ty even the shadows have a meaning. If they weren't in black and white they would have surely noticed the blood marking the end. Thanks friends for your words.

I like more the horse than the glasses - hum, I mean: the respective photos of these!
Inside the horse sculpture's photo I am a bit confused on the shadows. It seems to me, the picture would be more convincing with only one shadow. And it would be more minimalistic without any shadow.
Only my first impressions, don't give them too much weight!

One more:

The horse is the Trojan one, emptied of the invaders and raising the hoof from the rinning blood...

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Good luck! @stef1

Gracias por su apoyo @stef1 y @booming upvote, son bienvenidos a mi ventana.

La fotografía de las 2 copas vacías con un fondo negro, luce muy interesante.


The photo with the two glasses is incredibly atmospheric! I like it very much...

Das Foto mit den beiden Gläsern ist unglaublich stimmungsvoll! Mag ich sehr...

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