Photo contest: post processing #12

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Saludos a todo el equipo de post procesamiento. Me maravilla ver como surgen propuestas y se crean variantes del concurso y los resultados son muy divertidos.

Bravo @bambuka

Sin más que decir ¡Vamos a transformar el mundo!

Greetings to all the post processing team. I am amazed to see how proposals and variants of the contest are created and the results are a lot of fun.

Bravo @bambuka

Without further ado, let's transform the world!

post processing #12


Para mi post procesamiento de la imagen tan solo utilicé la variante de collage geométrico, esta vez no quise desintegrar la imagen en tantos pequeños trozos.

Realmente no es tan difícil ahora solo tienes que ordenar el patrón y hallarás la imagen o si no, tan solo dejar volar tu imaginación.

For my post processing of the image I only used the geometric collage variant, this time I didn't want to disintegrate the image into so many small pieces.

It's really not that difficult now you just have to sort the pattern and you will find the image or if not, just let your imagination run wild.




 2 years ago 

I agree with @weisser-rabe
On one of the fragments I see the foot of this "lizard".
Of course, the skin could be part of a handbag, but the paw...😂

Of course, it's much more likely that there's a handbag in the desert, you're right ;-)))

Natürlich ist es viel wahrscheinlicher, daß dort eine Handtasche in der Wüste steht, Du hast recht ;-)))

 2 years ago 

Who said it was a desert... this is a sea beach))))

My mistake ;-))

 2 years ago 

🤣 😂😅

This is very easy and really obvious, as I may say:

Die Stelle, an der der historische Marathonläufer zusammenbrach

The place where the first and historical runner to Marathon had his famous collapse.

All the answers are funny, :) have patience, we have to wait for the answers day.

A monitor lizard in the desert! Some kind of lizard, anyway...

Cool - I'd like to have a gecko like that on the ceiling, taking care of mosquitoes and fruit flies and stuff ;-))

Ein Waran in der Wüste! Jedenfalls irgendeine Echse...

Cool - ich hätte gerne so einen Gecko an der Decke, der sich um Mücken und Obstfliegen und so Zeug kümmert ;-))

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


 2 years ago 

By obvious signs, these are parts of a reptile. But what is it? I'll make a guess: the iguana...

 2 years ago 

а я, не читая ещё комментариев, подумала, что это - Варан. Не знаю, отличаются ли они от Игуаны.

 2 years ago 

Варан-хищник, игуана- травоядная. К тому же, среди варанов встречаются ядовитые виды.

I think a camilion picture is riddled

Hola @evagavilan. Excelente trabajo!

Tu imagen pareciera corresponder a una iguana o lagarto.



Hi @evagavilan. Excellent work!

Your image seems to correspond to an iguana or lizard.


Me parece ver una partes de una iguana en tierra

I think I see a part of an iguana on the ground. :/

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