Portrait of war || Retrato de guerra

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Hello dear friends!

Today, once again, while watching the news, my mind and spirit kept getting uncomfortable and, moved by this discomfort, thoughts were taking the form of words in my head and I felt the need to write and I wanted to share the product of those thoughts with you.


Let us kindle a light in the midst of so much darkness
even if with half-truths they want to change our reality.
There are those who say that there is no peace without war
I insist "that cannot be true".
Wars only bring unrest, desolation, death.

Innocence dies daily, justice pays a penalty.
While the masters of chaos only look on indifferently.
Fake news takes over the main headlines
While chaos and misery play juggling games.

I wish I had all the power in my hands
To change blood to wine and war to brotherhood of man.
Funerals for festivals, weeping for happiness.
I would make real the wish of mankind today
that peace be with men of goodwill.


Encendamos una luz en medio de tanta oscuridad
aunque con medias verdades quieran cambiar nuestra realidad.
Hay quienes dicen que no hay paz sin guerra
Yo insisto "eso no puede ser verdad"
Las guerras solo traen desasosiego, desolación, mortandad.

La inocencia muere a diario, la justicia paga condena
Mientras los dueños del caos solo miran de indiferente manera
Las Falsas noticias se apoderan de los principales titulares
mientras el caos y la miseria juegan a los malabares.

Ojala en mis manos tuviera toda la potestad
de cambiar la sangre por vino, la guerra por hermandad.
Los funerales por fiestas, el llanto por felicidad
Haría realidad el deseo que hoy tiene la humanidad
que la paz sea con los hombres de buena voluntad

Thanks for your visit and support

Gracias por la visita y tu apoyo

 3 years ago 

Hello @esthersanchez, As you said, the news is very depressing :(

I wish I had all the power in my hands
To change blood to wine and war to brotherhood of man.

I really like this sentence. If only we had the power to stop all suffering.

My dear @serap, unfortunately those big decisions are in other hands. What remains for us is to pray without ceasing!
A big hug!

 3 years ago 

You're right, all we can do is wish them well, pray, donate and participate in anti-war demonstrations. Thank you dear esthersanchez, greetings.

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