Portrait studies 59

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

How are you all! I'm back to share another of my drawings. It is about my portrait studies, where I have proposed to practice continuously to improve my skills, both drawing and color management, seeking to establish a more sober use of color every day when creating images.


The technique to make this drawing as it has been so far is mixed media. The drawing by hand, scanned and colored in Photoshop. The coloring has been by superimposing stains looking to give a touch of freshness through the gestures of the stroke.

Part of the appearance of the stain and the color stroke is due to the fact that I don't use a graphic tablet but only a mouse, so this conditions to some extent the aesthetic result of my digital works.

A little bit of the process.



The link to the reference image.

Well dear friends, that's all for this post. I hope to be with you again soon to continue sharing my progress. Thanks for your attention.

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