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RE: My experiment about pausing my calcium intake had resulted in re-emergence of body pain || Mi experimento sobre la pausa en la ingesta de calcio había dado lugar a la reaparición del dolor corporal

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

do you use sodium bicarbonate ..? the upper part of sea water... forms light salt flower... source of sodium bicarbonate...


do you use b1? thiamine?
leveduras de cerveja ... bear yeast...

kimchi etc...? sources of phosphate? calcium phosphate?

speaking about eyast's ...

have you screening for molds and other yeasts that might be causing you problems?

like turulopsis ... and clamidia?
wath about heavy metal's like aluminium ...
have you tried homeopatic remedies like aluminium metalicum... 30ch ... or Mercurius solubilies 30ch for mercury filing in cavities 5 a day... 5 days... stop 5 ... and more 5 days ...or 15 days total treatment ... yeah wath about cavities?
iodine intake... ... hm... food poison pathogens have you stopped using flour product's and less diary?? and myostatin inhibitors
... and HGH high growth hormones??... its a list step by steep don't give up... you might learn enough to overcome and help other's... ;) GOGOGOGO


not sure about myostatin inhibitors... probably not...

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