William and Ava. My new art.

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

William and Ava

The drawing is made to order for my friend.

The story of William and Ava "Fragile Children of the Earth" -

Ava took a step to the side, making way for the thick suit.

- Go ahead.

- Oh ... yes, madam! - The suit went to William, - unbutton your jacket.

Swallowing, the android did as it was told.

- Turn around.

Noiseless half-turn, and William looked at Ava.

- Take off your jacket.

There was no movement in response to the order.

- Take off your jacket!

The suit roughly ripped off the android's light gray jacket, exposing it to the waist - forgot how to do it?

The man took a colored stylus in his hands, brought it to the android's back and pressed the hidden buttons. Between the robot's shoulder blades, a triangle lit up with a bright green light, its rays reflected in broken lines on the man's thick face. The suit nodded with satisfaction and went to the safe, opening which he took out a stack of dirty, randomly folded papers, and handed it to Ave.

- Here. A guide to ... this. ”He waved his thick fingers towards the android.

- Ownership?

- Sent to your email address.

- Excellent, - Ava took a step forward, not at all embarrassed by the fact that even gathering all her strength, it is unlikely that the suit will be able to see her as a threat, - if something goes wrong, I will return. In the meantime, - she pressed the button on the key fob, - you will be without the "Spider". The money will come to your account after checking your documents.

The girl looked at the soundbar, made sure it was completely de-energized, and walked over to William, who was still standing in the same position, stripped to the waist and silent. His graceful face seemed lifeless to her, and she shuddered. The skin on William's chest was trembling slightly, and Ava, quickly glancing at the android, bent down and picked up his jacket, on which the shoe mark was clearly visible.

The suit wanted to say something, but couldn't. His lips, glistening with saliva, shook convulsively, and he silently, clenching his fists, watched as Ava Polgar, who had just bought herself a servant, herself bowed before him, picked up his dirty clothes from the floor, and waited until he was long and awkwardly pulls her over him. Tangled in the buttons of the jacket, the android raised its head sharply and looked at the girl with a quick, shiny glance. The man in the suit could not see her face - he only noticed how she, waving her hand, barely touched the robot's elbow, and together they left his office. "

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