La imagen está hecha de imaginación y pensamientos propios (competencia 79) "estamos probando nuestra nueva comunidad WORLD OF XPILAR"

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

STEEMIANTS! A big hello to everyone.

Image is made of imagination and own thoughts (competition 79) "we are testing our new WORLD OF XPILAR community"


At the present time as a researcher and manufacturer of drones and advanced space telescopes, the demand for on-site study equipment has grown, especially with short and long-range capture power from the ground. and from space stations or bases to study and analyze the moon and other planets close to planet earth.

There is a dispute over space research where several countries with space units available and in orbit for which they want to continue conducting research, but there is a country that wants to regulate such activity and that has brought problems and disagreements and discomforts between these countries, therefore He is asking me to manufacture advanced equipment to carry out studies by these countries such as Russia, China, Germany, France, England, Mexico, United States, among others.

Before starting this dispute, the Russian federation had already asked me to manufacture various equipment since it has been working and advancing space research for several years and has carried out several missions like China, but the Russian country is more cautious and reserved in its actions and investigations, I gave them several space teams that have already been in space for fifteen days on a space base carrying out missions where they observed something interesting on the moon, something like a housing development or an alien city hidden on the moon, and no one had seen thanks to the constant work and development of the equipment that I created at the time of the discovery, an advanced digital image was not projected and they called me to see if it was a space interruption or if it was equipment failure.

And since they did not find the fault, I was forced to take part in the investigation in a coordinated way and work with the mission from the ground and with the permission of the Russian Federation to guarantee that the mission is a success, after entering the system and starting the configuration, during this process, very valuable and very important information began to be obtained from said extraterrestrial city, especially on highly advanced technologies never seen before, and that part of this information is very valuable to me when developing the equipment I make since I am going to change a technology for another more advanced and very efficient, realizing with this that we are still in diapers with respect to these technologies developed by these beings from other planets, by solving the team's problem, thanks to God I was able to correct the failure which was originated by a magnetic field of protection.

Gracias a dios que coloque varios dispositivos de protección lo cual evito que dicho campo destruyera o quemara el sistema electrónico del equipo y se perdiera la misión, gracias a dios se digitalizo la imagen y es sorprendente esta imagen algo nunca visto hermoso y que despierta mucha curiosidad algo que se debe estudiar con detenimiento y con mucho cuidado para seguir obteniendo información valiosa que nos permita mejorar nuestro sistema de vida para evitar daños a la misión de investigación dicha imagen fue publicada por el portal informativo de la Federación Rusa.

 4 years ago 

thanks for the great story


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