Digital image for the day is made according to my own imagination and thoughts (your writing story competition 112). @elcorrecaminosteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago


Digital image for the day is made according to my own imagination and thoughts (your writing story competition 112). .

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For several months a bright golden light has been observed that can be seen far from the horizon at night, it has been seen by fishermen and by several boats that pass through the place .


The first boat to see this mysterious structure that can only be seen at night is an executive transport boat that tours several countries and at that time it was passing between Trinidad and Tobago and the island of Margarita, territory of Venezuela when it passed through the place. and the intense light forced them to change course to avoid surprises with this bright and mysterious phenomenon.


Then it was the fishermen who, in the early hours of the morning, without sunrise, that light surprised them and they found it necessary to deviate because they did not know what was near them.


But one afternoon a luxurious cruise was passing through the mystery place in the late afternoon and at the end of the afternoon and the ship's engines failed and they were injured near the place where the mysterious light is allowed to be seen and they requested help and were informed that they were attending an emergency and that when it is resolved they would help them leave the place.


The bumpy boat and full of people continued the enjoyment and the nightly celebrations until almost midnight when a light almost equal to the sun came out of the water illuminating the entire horizon where the stars began to shine like phosphorescent lights and this scared the captain of the boat .


And because I did not know what it was about, I called the security personnel to find out what it was about and the cruise under an aid boat with several security people to find out where the light was coming from, to ensure that this phenomenon does not compromise the boat and as they approached the light it was very incandescent and they decided to jump into the water and go under the low light and being close, very close they came out of the water and were surprised they were seeing it.


It was a question of crossed circumferences of a metal similar to gold and a metal that had never been seen rolled it, they only took a photo and left the site because despite the light it was very cold in the surroundings of the place.


Upon returning to the ship and showing the photo, the captain could not believe it and shared the image with his colleagues who work with heads of boats to prevent them since the light that comes out of this object does not allow to see anything, it looks like a sun at night.


And almost 5 in the morning the light disappears like magic and the photo that the captain shared caused astonishment and concern among his colleagues but when they saw that nothing happened to the cruise ship that saw the phenomenon and to know that it was only a scare , and this reassured the crew and their fellow cruise chiefs.


After dawn the mechanics experts arrived and managed to start the engines to continue the ride without anything bad happening, just a scare that when seeing this golden light as if it were polished gold that mysteriously appeared coming out of the depth of the sea and disappeared from the same way diving under water .




Desde hace varios meses se está observando un luz dorada y brillante que se deja ver a lo lejos del horizonte en horas de la noche a sido vista por pescadores y por varias embarcaciones que pasan por el lugar.

La primera embarcación en ver esta estructura misteriosa que solo se deja ver de noche es un barco de transporte ejecutivo que hacen tours por varios países y en ese momento estaba pasando entre trinidad y Tobago y la Isla de margarita territorio de Venezuela cuando paso por el lugar y la intensa luz los obligo cambiar de rumbo para evitar sorpresas con este fenómeno brillante y misterioso.

Luego fueron los pescadores que a tempranas horas de la madrugada sin salir el sol esa luz los sorprendió y se vieron en la necesidad de desviarse por no saber qué era lo que estaba cerca de ellos.

Pero una tarde pasaba un crucero lujoso por el lugar misterio en horas de tarde ya finalizando la tarde y fallaron los motores del barco y se quedaron accidentados cerca del lugar donde se deja ver la luz misteriosa y solicitaron ayuda y les informaron que estaban asistiendo una emergencia y que cuando sea resuelta los ayudarían salir del lugar.

El barco accidentado y lleno de personas siguieron el disfrute y las celebraciones nocturnas hasta llegar casi la media noche cuando una luz casi igual al sol salía del agua iluminando todo el horizonte donde las estrellas comenzaron a brillar como luces fosforescente y esto asusto al capitán del barco.

Y por no saber de qué se trataba llamo al personal de seguridad para averiguar de qué se trataba y del crucero bajo un bote de auxilio con varias personas de seguridad para averiguar de dónde venía la luz, para asegurar que este fenómeno no comprometa a la embarcación y al acercarse a la luz era muy incandescente y decidieron salta al agua y pasar por debajo de la bajo de la luz y ya estando cerca muy cerca salieron del agua y se sorprendieron lo estaban viendo.

Se trataba de circunferencias cruzadas entre si dorada de un metal parecido al oro y lo enrollaba un metal nunca visto, solo tomaron una foto y se retiraron del sitio ya que a pesar de la luz hacia mucho frió en los alrededores del lugar.

Al regresar al barco y mostrar la foto el capitán no podía creerlo y compartió la imagen a sus colegas que trabajan con jefes de embarcaciones para prevenirlos ya que la luz que sale de este objeto no permite ver nada parece un sol en la noche.

Y ya casi las 5 de mañana la luz desaparece como arte de magia y la foto que compartió el capitán causo asombro y preocupación entre sus colegas pero al ver que no le paso nada al crucero que vio al fenómeno y al saber que solo fue un susto, y esto tranquilizo a la tripulación y a sus colegas jefes de otros cruceros.

Luego que amaneció llegaron los expertos en mecánica y lograron prender los motores para seguir el paseo sin pasar nada malo solo un susto que al ver esta luz dorada como si fuera oro pulido que apareció de forma misteriosa saliendo de la profundidad del mar y desapareció de la misma manera sumergiéndose bajo el agua.


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Thanks for the great story @elcorrecamino

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