Photo of the week #122 | old dayssteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

The main museum of the Peter and Paul Fortress is the Peter and Paul Cathedral. I didn't know it was considered a museum when I visited it after a tour of other museums. I wanted to start a story about one thing, but after looking at the photos, I decided to tell about another, but I will start with the first exhibit, which first surprised me, and then disappointed me.


When I see some exhibits, I don't immediately begin to read the description, and if I do, it's usually not completely, not to the end. First I establish a visual connection with the object, then it turns into something deeper or does not turn, as it was with these pieces of birch bark. I saw only one thing on the label that it was the 13th century and began to look at it, trying to feel this time gap, as I often get it. But this time nothing happened and I thought about the authenticity of the exhibit, read the text in full, where it is clearly written that it is a dummy...

And why would I waste time on a dummy? And I went as it seemed to me to the present. Communication with such objects is established very quickly and reliably.


For example, the fact that these are objects from the 10-12 centuries did not cause any doubt in my mind. There was a lot of this, but I didn't take photos in this darkness and was looking at it.


And now some heartfelt photos from the Peter and Paul Cathedral.
There, at the bottom of the graves of our kings, but among some kind of almost fairground fuss, it was not much to believe. I didn't take pictures of people, but there were too many of them and then I thought that the tsars and queens were very unlucky.



I could not photograph the tombstones, considering it blasphemy at that moment, but I did some details of the fences.




And this luxurious chandelier with fake candles, which are actually lamps. When I tried so hard to combine the old and the new, it began to seem to me that right now the chandelier would fall on my head and I already imagined myself under this pile of crystal and light bulbs. Not a very interesting picture, and I hurried from there to the Bot House, where I had never been before.


And in general, I don't like when someone takes something away from someone and begins to consider it their own. For me, the royal possessions will forever remain royal.

Post for Photo of the Week contest #122 from @mister-omortson

 last year 

Как хорошо я вас понимаю. Особенно про люстру :)

 last year 

Отличные фотографии!

 last year 

да... в музеях всё больше появляется муляжей, грустно.

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 last year 

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