Photo contest: post processing #18 | An unexpected turn of events

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)

My post is not participating in the contest, but it will be dedicated to the topic of its current stage No. 18, which has already made a lot of noise with its paradoxical formulation and expectation of results. It was very interesting for me to read all the arguments in the comments, although there was absolutely nothing to argue about.

In photography, as in any other fine art, there are genres for the convenience of accurate classification of works and it is enough to look into the encyclopedia to determine in which genre this or that work is performed. It is pointless to argue with these classifications, and it is impossible to give them any interpretation, because these genres are determined not by us, but by educated people and those who are responsible for everything they do. There is such a profession - an art historian, which they study for several years, and then work in selected areas of art criticism.

And, although I am not an art critic and not a photographer, but a simple master coppersmith, it was enough for me to read the description of the proposed genre once, so that I could take several photos completely corresponding to it without leaving my desktop. I've had to take such photos before to make a portfolio of my works, which I show to customers.

But today I read everything in a row and already laughed almost to tears at what was happening. We have an expression: "to rest the horn." Here is someone with this very horn and rested, and quite deeply. But now it is necessary to somehow dilute and save this case, pull it out, because it has already come to drops of unknown origin and knives stuck in plywood as a sign of vendetta. This is how I perceived the last photo, because knives and other piercing and cutting objects are not put up for sale in this form, but only lie quietly on the surface.

We will all go crazy if we continue and don't try to stop it," I thought and decided not to photograph anything, but to seek help from artificial intelligence. In my request to him there was the word "mouse", because this word was mentioned in the very post where the knife was. And now look at what a cutie artificial intelligence gave me:


Ha ha! This is what it takes, I thought, to make everyone feel good right away. And let our madness be just as wonderful and began to look further ;) And then there was a lot of interesting things about knives, and about drops to calm the nerves, and thanks to everything that AI has done, I am now sure that none of us will die and we will continue to live together, caring and helping each other calmly deal with all the issues.










And now we smile and tell each other that everything will be fine :)


I wish you all successful photo processes!

The pictures were made by AI:

 last year 


As Leopold the cat said to the mice, guys, let's live together :)

After drinking from the bottle, turning into a mutant and grabbing a piercing-cutting tool is a fun prospect. A knife in a wet board is not an axe of war, not a sign of vendetta and it is not for sale :), in this case Freud will not work, though... who knows, because from the pile of small things on the table, he was chosen among others ...)

Of course, the genre of "subject shooting" is clearly defined and it makes no sense to argue with this. However, my frivolity at the suggestion of the topic caused a revival at the party and this is a big plus. First of all, for me, I try to be a diligent student, learn lessons and do work on mistakes :)

I don't shoot in certain genres, although I keep some in my head. But since I'm getting more and more immersed in the world of photography, it's probably time to figure it out.

Как сказал кот Леопольд мышам, ребята, давайте жить дружно :)

Отпив из флакона превратиться в мутанта и схватиться за коляще-режущий инструмент, весёлая перспектива. Нож в мокрой доске это не топор войны, не признак вендетты и он не выставлен на продажу :), в этом случае Фрейд не сработает, хотя... как знать, ведь из кучи мелочи на столе был выбран в числе прочих и он... )

Конечно, жанр "предметной съёмки" определён однозначно и с этим спорить не имеет смысла. Однако, моё легкомыслие при предложении темы вызвало оживление на вечеринке и это большой плюс. Прежде всего для меня, я стараюсь быть прилежным учеником, учить уроки и делать работу над ошибками :)

Я не снимаю в определённых жанрах, хотя некоторые в голове держу. Но поскольку я всё больше погружаюсь в мир фотографии, видимо пришло время разобраться .

 last year 

Отпив из флакона превратиться в мутанта и схватиться за коляще-режущий инструмент...

а я поняла так, что после микстур там пошла фаза превращения из мутанта в нормальное существо, и в подтверждение этому идёт уже следующая картинка :)

 last year 

причудлив визуальный ряд... )))

 last year 

@bambuka, всё, что мы фотографируем или рисуем всегда будет в каком-то определённом жанре, думай об этом или не думай. Художник чаще не думает, потому что это дело критиков, а если прославишься с произведениями не проходящими в существующий жанр, то критики придумают новый, если сам не назовёшь и не настоишь на этом, продолжая в нём работать. я так всё понимаю, а относительно разворачивания событий в моей подборке совершенно права @lllll1ll. Я именно это и имел в виду :)

 last year 

... придётся создавать персональный жанр... деваться некуда... ))

 last year 

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


 last year 

Благодарю вас за поддержку!

 last year 

Благодарю за волшебные микстуры и таблетки :)
Ты всех спас!

 last year 


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