The world inventions; The cases of doing as the best researchers of the planet at any times have done it here!

in WORLD OF XPILAR22 days ago


You know, a research is a search for any new time, and we can do these things as many times as we want, maybe millions of times, and sometimes we are liking these things, and sometimes we are disliking these things, and hence the life is experiments that are going on when we are here.

So, what is it really to be a good and an excellent researcher to the time while we are here? Well, it is about doing the interests that one has, and also to follow and to develop the spirits of the time while we are here. And hence, the life is easy, and either we are doing the same as we have done before, or there are new and innovative things that are being done to any times while we are here.

So, there are always humans here, and there are billions of money to earn, and different love stories to perceive and to change while we are here, and we should ignore illegal things, and people doing bad things against us, and these things can be punished, if we are knowing the origins.

So, research is about writing essays about understanding something, and what is really the challenges that can be done to any times anywhere while we are here, and research is also about understanding a problem, and getting the processes and the outcomes of solving the problems with solutions while we are here, and we are needing normal recognitions and scientific behavior while we are here, and these things are just about what we perceive as the world, and we are getting the same and the different issues and understanding while we are here, and we are loving the people we find and discover it sensible to be friends with.

So, the points of the schools are doing it as good that is possible, and we are here to enjoy the times, and to perceive what is happening when we are here. So, the better we can do it in the schools, the better starting points we have in any firms while we are here, and we can use all kinds of times when understanding something we are understanding.
So, who is really leading the world? Well, it is about love and the love stories, just as the life is being perceived at any places to any times. And you know, we are knowing the literature, and we are developing ourselves, and moving the world forward in times, as we do not want it to be constant or backward in times and in spaces and in places.

The word research is derived from the Middle French "recherche", which means "to go about seeking", and we are open and include the scientific process with problems, designs, understanding and mearsurement and strategies while we are here, and the term itself being derived from the Old French term "recerchier," a compound word from "re-" + "cerchier", or "sercher", meaning 'search'. The earliest recorded use of the term was in 1577, and we have done sciences in many versions to many times, and what about the pyramids, and how things were done, and how these things were possible when where were humans and methods at the earth while we are here. So, research is about doing a search any new times, and when doing the same things, are we getting the same, or are there different things that are happening? And that is the idea of research to any times anywhere while we are here, and things can be done billions of times.

And Ibn al-Haytham, who lived a thousand years ago, is finally being recognized as the world's first true scientist, and we are just here to use what we have learned to any times anywhere, and we are doing collecting of the literature, and free statements when we are using ourselves, and things are just new and established to any times, and firms need marketing, strategies, methods, concepts, measurements, economics, and much philosophy of many conceivable things through any history in the history of times and spaces. And Ibn al-Haytham was born in the year 965 after the Christ, and this is the origin of research and sciences, and we have tried different things also in earlier times.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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