The history of music artists; The case of George Jones!

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month


You know, we have to be properly in the life, and not do stupid things and not destroy the relations, but be a good friend everywhere, and you know business is filled with buying behavior and selling behavior, and that will be the situation when people must earn money to their life, and this will happen to the end of the days.

George Glenn Jones was an American country-artist and songwriter. Jones got his breakthrough in 1965, and he got several prizes, and among these were two Grammy Awards. He was married with Tammy Wynette in the period from 1969 to 1975, and struggled with heavy alcohol and drug abuse. He was born on 12 September 1931 in Saratoga in Texas in the United States, and he died on 26 April 2013 in Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville in Tennessee in the United States. And what is meant by the word Tennessee can be open for several explanations, and as researchers we are meaning that this word is learned from the Indian language yuchi and can mean the meeting place, the winding river or the river at the big bend, and hence we find one or several explanations for this word, and we are often faced with variations when opening something. And something is better than nothing.

We find the music from George Jones on the internet, and we also find him on different ordinary music platforms that we are facing like for instance YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music, and we can listen to what we like of him in these places, and we are also at home or not at home, and that is where we can be on the blue planet or the earth while we are here as humans with living the life as we are living it.

You know, George Jones is known for several music pieces, and we are finding many of these by being engaged and searching for music from him different places where we find information on him, for instance at the internet. And you know, the known music from him is: He Stopped Loving Her Today, The One I Loved Back Then, Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes, Golden Ring, The Window Up Above, If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me, I Don't Need Your Rockin' Chair and Finally Friday. And George Jones reached a high age before dying, and you know, we are wanting to live and to operate and to work with goodness, and being engaged with living a long life, and we are always trying to make satisfaction for all our friends, and these things are somewhat possible, and also maybe impossible, and we are just where we are from time to time.

So, any impression or reputation we must ask for the reasons beyond, and we are here to be honest and proud, and we must use ourselves to satisfy the markets and the places we are working, and nothing is determined forever and ever, and we should just be where we like, and there are many working places there, and we just have time to select some of them while being here. So, we should use our intelligence and competence, and we shall never be foolish to be in the world, and any statement is in doubt unless we have tested its reliability and validity, and this is the situation for many things that are happening.

So, we never know what the life is until we have tried it, and we are just here to be positive and constructive, and nothing should be destroyed unless there are reasons for it, and on the phone people are telling that they are sitting in different jobs, and we do not know where, and there are also different meetings in many firms to get directions and ways to manage the firms, and getting them moving forward. So, we are using plans to explain and to explore the reality, and there are millions of things that can happen, and therefore we are using plans to cope with the uncertainty in the present and in the future, and the friends we are having in the life is nice and ok to have, and we are here on the blue planet to make quality and quantity, and for giving our best efforts on the places and times that we are having available, and life is just like a journey where we can predict something, and something is also happening as a surprise, and accordingly we can do what we want.

And again some music as it was asked to be included! 😃

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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