So, what are we going to in any university? Should we be satisfied or dissatisfied?

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month


Well, there are much to love and to be engaged with, also all the universities with the kinds of courses they are offering the markets, with uncertainty in the basic claiming of the risky life we all are living, since we can die! And the word university is coming from the latin word universitas, and it means a diversity and a whole understanding of what is going on, and what are offered of courses to the markets are courses that are founded in research, and that is what a university is doing, and there are different rankings in all the places we are within the world to the times and to the places we are moving to and from, and being within while we are there!

So,any university determines the market profile, and what it is doing to any times anywhere while we are here, and there are some courses in the processes and the outcomes, and there are about different things in the human nature and in the nature, and we are just making selections of all kinds of possibilities, since no university can include all kinds of things to all times in infinity and eternity in the nature while we are where we are.

So, we are in the front today, and we should pick up the phone and listen, and not follow our own opinions if the reactions in the organizations and in the markets indicate that these perceptions are wrong, and we should be careful about all the university backgrounds that different people have to any times, and we should use these backgrounds, and we should know what they imply, and the more we know, the less we know for sure, and people being too certain of different things today, are just being laughed of, and that is the human being of being a human, and you know what we are thinking, feeling and acting today is dependent on what we know, and how and why we know what we know when knowing what to know or not to know when we are where we are for the times being there, and we are as humans either inside or out of time, and that is the realization of being a human creature just as we have come the earth in any times with the human bodies we are having when we are where we are.

So, the universities, the colleges and the business schools are making study programs, and we are sure or unsure about these, and everything anywhere is about fitness, adaptations and standardizations, and any organization is not stronger than its weakest link, and there is a link between two persons when loving the life with a another human being in the environments just as the world is open for us when we are where we are in the life, and the life we are shaping and forming ourselves when we are here, and we are trusting and believing in competence, and that we have points, missions and philosophies by being all these days and years in the schools, and there are always things to change, and the intelligence level is both dependent on concrete and abstract manners, and everybody can have a party with small and/or big events. And we should ask about the critical assets in the organizations, and why things are as they are, and we are not certain of all kinds of answers when facing all the uncertainties in the organizations and in the universities while we are here, and we need schools to be able to ask questions, and these can be of different types and versions when we are trying to think, to apply, and to use the knowledges and the research that we are facing, and much is covered within the literature, and there is also much knowledge that has not seen the reality and the world today, and although we are trying to travel as much as we want and will, the life is filled with new and more questions every day with things that are happening, and what is happening can be explained or unsolved about what we are doing today, and we have not finished our sales books just now, but we are moving now with even more and better sales in the present and in the future of any times while we are in life just as we are with our constant and adaptable personality, and personality is always about psychology, social psychology and philosophy about what is going on, and what we are seeing in the same places and in different places when we are using our brains, eyes and hearts, and that is what the life is about. And life is a risky game, where we determine with our activities what we are earning to the times and the places where we are from time to time, and that is the playground to any times anywhere.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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