You Can't Place a Monetary Value on Happiness!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

I'll be the first to admit that there was a time in my life when I was part of the so-called "rat race," always striving and trying to achieve more... success, more money, more everything.


If you had asked me — at the time — I would have assured you that everything I was doing (and wearing myself down over) was being done in service of trying to find happiness.

Experience tells me that it's a trap many people fall into... somehow believing that "if only" they had a little more of this, that, or the other it would make them happy and they could feel content that they had unlocked one of the secrets of life.

Of course, it doesn't actually work that way.


In time, I learned that no matter what I accomplished, and what new "thing" I acquired, it actually didn't make any noticeable difference... as a result of which I'd embark on a whole new quest to find "something else" that surely would create happiness in my life.

Happiness very rarely is about things or the having of things. It's also not about money and power. Those might be nice and afford you a momentary emotional boost... but there's no lasting value, there.

To the degree I have happiness in my life, it comes from the freedom to be able to do what I want to, and not being beholden to some organization.


And that doesn't actually have a monetary value!

In fact, much of the time we struggle mightily in the financial sense, but I am still pretty happy with my life. And I have long since stopped "striving" to be at the top of the mountain, or trying to accumulate the largest pile of "toys."

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about YOU? What does "happiness" mean to you? Is it tangible, or is it something IN-tangible that exists outside monetary considerations? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220621 23:32 PDT


We let work and material consume us, it is nice to get things that we enjoy at some point, but we do not value the unique moments that are really important, happiness and our tranquility is worth a lot, it is better to be without worries because we have great objects, let's enjoy what that we have and seek joy, harmony, family among the happiness of everything!


 2 years ago 

Sometimes the most accurate wisdom is simply that the best "things" in life are not actually things, but the moments we get to experience!

I have spent large parts of my adult life very content. Balanced. In return, I was not so very happy. For a few years now, I've been deeply happy, but not really satisfied overall. I still have no idea how to bring this together. Both have nothing to do with money or material values...

Große Teile meines Erwachsenenlebens habe ich sehr zufrieden verbracht. Ausgeglichen. Dafür war ich nicht so sehr glücklich. Seit einigen Jahren bin ich jetzt zutiefst glücklich, aber insgesamt nicht mehr recht zufrieden. Noch habe ich keine Idee, wie ich das zusammenführen soll. Beides hat nichts mit Geld oder materiellen Werten zu tun...

 2 years ago 

I think it is just a matter of time, patience and experimentation to determine what it takes to find happiness/contentment... and it means different things for every person.

 2 years ago 

It's so beautiful

 2 years ago 

Thank you!

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