The Challenge of Making Choices... and Standing BY Them!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

I have pretty much always been "one of those people" who struggle a good bit to make decisions, and generally I require a lot of research and background information before I feel comfortable "going with something."


In part, I owe this particular "affliction" to the fact that I also tend to be what some might call "loyal to fault;" meaning that once I have made my decision, I tend to stand by it... and I am not likely to flit all over the map, repeatedly changing my mind.

The occasions on which I look at something and immediately feel complete conviction in one direction or another are few and far between.

I've been told that there is a certain "nobility" in standing by your choices, but experience tells me that sometimes that has also been to my detriment. I guess we can't win them all!


The thing about choices — and making choices — is that I have always had a very deep appreciation for the old truism "choices have consequences." A lot of people who make choices with easy, also seem to have a tendency to be quick to pass off the consequences of their poor choices to someone else, pretty much at the drop of a hat!

Maybe it's just part and parcel of this modern world of ours... the "easy come, easy go" mindset. With it, this tendency to not take personal accountability very seriously. I watch this even in our own adult kids... when they choose unwisely, it's almost as if they feel that the negative outcome should be optional.

Not how life works!


It could be that I am just very old-fashioned, but that approach just doesn't sit well with me. It shows — at least to me — a certain lack of personal integrity. Am I taking it "too seriously," as some might insist? I don't think so as some of my reticence was born out of the very fact that I have been on the "receiving end" of the fallout resulting from people who they could make choices and then pass the consequences to someone else.

I try my best not to be that which I don't like in others!

On the other hand, it also makes me angry when I find myself having to bail out people who failed to stand by their choices and decisions.


There's no real point to this post, other than perhaps to vent a little. Earlier, I was contemplating the consequences of powering down my Steem so we could pay our property tax bill... which is that my vote is now worth relatively little, and I basically get to start over and try to build my account back up to 10,000SP.

How long will that take? Time will tell, I suppose!

Thanks for stopping by and "listening" to my rantings... and have a great weekend!

How about YOU? It it easy for you to make decisions, or do you deliberate a long time? Once you've made a choice, do you stand by it, or do you tend to change, once or multiple times? Do you honor the consequences that result from your choices... or from changing your mind? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220325 23:36 PDT

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