Sunday Musings: Are You Kind Enough to... YOURSELF?

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

When I was growing up — as you probably were, as well — I was taught about the importance of being kind to other people.

It's one of the few lifelessons from childhood that I actually took to heart!


Our "Inner Critic"

Of course, it is one thing to preach and practice compassion and kindness for others, but are we kind and compassionate to ourselves?

I find it surprising — and a little alarming — how many people are not kind to themselves. At all.

I'll be the first to admit that I have a rather harsh "inner critic," that little voice inside that emotionally "beats me up" whenever I fail to do something, or perhaps do something stupid.


One of the somewhat eye-opening statements I came across some years back was a therapist friend who pointed out that I would likely be horrified at the thought of talking to someone else, the way I talk to myself inside my head.

"and you'd be horrified and hurt, if someone spoke to YOU, that way!" she observed.

It's the sort of insight that gives us pause for reflection. Earlier today, I was feeling my "inner critic" start to become active because I failed to accomplish as much with my day today as I had originally set out to do.

I was tempted to speak some unpleasant words to myself.


I took a few deep breaths, lightened up and chose not to be harsh with myself for not getting everything done. We're not perfect; we're human.

Sure, it would have been nice to get everything done... but there's a good chance the world won't come to an end tomorrow!

On deeper reflection, I pondered the question of how much authentic compassion we can really have for others if we don't have much compassion for ourselves?

Don't we deserve the same respect and kindness we afford others?


I suppose many of us have been imprinted with the idea that we are "selfish" if we consider ourselves in the equation of our lives. We perhaps fear we'll be seen as narcissistic, a dreadful thing!

But there's a big difference between practicing healthy self-care and being outright selfish.

And with that thought in mind, I gave myself "permission" to not work any more, and instead sit down and write a blog post... one of my favorite pastimes!

Thanks for reading, and have a great week ahead!

How about YOU? Are you compassionate with yourself? Do you show yourself the same kindness you have for others? Do you have a harsh "inner critic?" Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 2023.01.23 00:13 PST


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