Reflection: Sometimes It's Good to Have Nothing Going on in Your Head!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

One of the things I have always been pretty good at is emptying my head.

Many people complain of "too many" and "racing" thoughts, and whereas I have certainly experienced that as well, it has never been all that much of an issue. Meditation was also never much of an issue as "nothing" has pretty much always my natural and preferred state of being.


The nice thing about being mostly empty-headed is that it is closely related to "that thing" so many spiritual and mental wellness practices talk about and teach: "Being Present."

How so?

Well, if you re not lost in a swirling cloud of frenetic thoughts, there's relatively little to distract you from simply being focused on the here and now.

Earlier today, Mrs. Denmarkguy and I were standing in the kitchen, and we touched on the reality that we both are best off taking care of things that "need to be done" pretty much in the moment we remember them.


In a similar way... when you think about something that needs doing, and you immediately attend to it you don't end up having to "store" it in active memory till you can plan to get it done. You are Present, because there is only that one thing to think about.

As a kid, I was typically regarded as a "daydreamer." I would often see something outside my window (or the window at school!) like a butterfly, a bird or a squirrel... and all my attention would go to simply taking in what I was looking at. Of course, I'd soon enough get called back to "reality," but drifting off was one of my favorite things to do.

Without really knowing what I was doing, it sometimes seems like I started meditating when I was less than 10 years old!


Of course, this all flies in the face of most modern values which are all about being productive and multi-tasking. I'll be the first to admit that I was never much good at those... and I suppose that — according to conventional thinking — that has also gotten in the way of my being "successful," also in the conventional sense.

On the whole, though, I'd much rather take my absent-minded lack of success over the traditional stress-filled life so many who are eternally striving seem to be living.

For me, sometimes it's good to have pretty much nothing going on in your head!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about YOU? Do you have a cloud of thoughts always running in your mind? Or is it quiet there, most of the time? Do you prefer a "busy" mindtstate, or a "quiet" one? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20210609 23:13 PDT


I'll be the first to admit that I was never very good at it ... and I suppose, according to conventional thinking, that got in the way of my "success" too, in the conventional sense too.

I could do it for a long time, which led me to consider that I was good at what I did, however today it represents a great burden for me and I feel that it does not allow me, although it sounds illogical, to exploit my full potential as a human being.

So my dear @denmarkguy, I think that at least in terms of personal growth you are a "highly successful" person.

Similarly ... when you think of something you need to do, and take care of it right away, you don't end up having to "store" it in active memory until you can plan to do it. You are present, because there is only one thing to think about.

This would be ideal, but sometimes there are so many things to do ... (I know it sounds like an excuse) but in my case it is the truth, obviously many of "those things" are born precisely because of the need that many of us experience of wanting to do a lot in a short time, living life "frantically", without stopping sometimes to take a breath or meditate a bit.

Contrary to what happens to you, it is very difficult for me to meditate (and I have tried!), My mind simply wanders and wanders, generates a thousand ideas per second and sometimes I even feel a great weight or how I feel. warms the head (as if it were a PC).

I do not know if the above should be attributed to my ADHD or that I simply still do not meet myself, but certainly reading you allows me to become aware of many of the things that I live and that I do not give myself the time to think about.

Thank you very much for your publications, greetings to Mrs. @denmarkguy

Have a great rest of your week!

 3 years ago 

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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