Nobody Promised Us Life Was Going to be EASY!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

These days, a lot of people can be overheard saying things like "the last 2-3 years really have been a very difficult time!"

Without a doubt, they are right.


I also hear those who say that we live in "unprecedented" times. Again, that's probably true.

But then again, doesn't pretty much any era of the human experience have its difficult times?

I remember listening to my auntie back when I was college aged... and she was an older woman who had lived through WWI as a small girl, through the Depression, and through WWII and the German occupation of Denmark.

Without a doubt, though, we do live in difficult times.


What got me down this line of thinking was a conversation with a friend, this afternoon... one of her friends died from Covid, a few days ago... a poignant reminder that even though many places are no longer under a bunch of restrictions, we are not exactly in a "safe" situation, yet.

Makes me wonder whether we'll ever live in a "post Covid" world, or whether it will just hang around forever, pretty much the same as the common cold.

After all, the common cold is also a "coronavirus," and we have no vaccines against it because it mutates about every six month and becomes a new strain.


Of course — all this said and done — nobody was ever promised that life was going to be an easy and risk free journey.

Maybe that sounds "unfair," but we also weren't promised that life would be FAIR!

Do I sound like a pessimist? I'd like to think I am just more of a realist. And maybe, just maybe, I haven't bought into the broad based "marketing campaigns" and peer pressure concerning how "happy" we're all supposed to be!

So be happy when you can, be grateful for the small things we DO have, and worry less about whether things are easy or fair!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about YOU? Do you think life is "hard?" Is it harder than you thought it would be? Does that bother you, or do you simply take it in stride? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220805 00:32 PDT


Debemos vivir como si fuera el último , mientras se pueda con lo mínimo pasarla bien y agradecer que amanecemos 🌹👏


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