Life: Working With What We Have!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

As human beings, it seems to be in our nature to "compare."

We compare ourselves; we compare what we have; we compare what we want and the problem with that is that we inevitably are able to figure out ways in which we are lacking.


Of course, there's really nothing wrong with wanting to become inspired by those we look up to, but most of the time we don't actually become inspired, we focus instead of the hardships we're suffering because we "don't have" this, that or the other.

It's probably a much better idea to learn to work with what we actually HAVE.

Yesterday, Mrs. Denmarkguy and I went on a trip into the city of Seattle, and when you come into the downtown area on the ferry, you can see loads of gleaming residential towers overlooking the harbor.


"Must be nice, to be able to afford a $4 million waterfront condo!"

Sure, on paper. Must also be "nice" to have a highly stressful 70-hour a week job and being mortgaged to the hilt so you can pay for that $4 million condo.

How often do we feel envy towards someone or something... that we don't have, but on closer reflection also isn't actually something we want?

That is where people tend to go astray!


Again, there's nothing wrong with some healthy ambition, but we're better off working with what we actually have and making the most of that... rather than striving for an "imaginary image" of something we may simply have seen in a magazine or on TV... and which actually doesn't represent what we really want from life.

I really don't want a fancy downtown condo. What I actually want is merely a little more ease in having/keeping what I already have!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about YOU? Do you sometimes find yourself wishing for something... that actually isn't really something you want? Why do you think we do that? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220426 00:32 PDT

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