Animal Photography: Detailed view of a Caterpillar

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Happy Saturday, dear Steemians!

Last week I shared with you a philosophical post with a photo and a gif art about this beautiful caterpillar. As I mentioned there, those thoughts came to mind while editing the photos, and that's the mission of today's post... To show you the photoshoot I did to this little friend.


Nikon - f/5.6 - 1/60 - ISO400

Now that I have a detailed view of it, I wonder if it was suffering because of the bright sun and hot weather from the days before I took these photos. As you can notice it is possible to see its pink back and the caterpillars I saw on the internet were completely green.


Nikon - f/5.6 - 1/60 - ISO800

On the other hand, they can be both harmful and beneficial to plants at the same time. This is because when they are caterpillars they are considered a plague most of the time but when they become butterflies they are efficient pollinators.


Nikon - f/5.6 - 1/60 - ISO400

I really hope this little buddy could make its way to become a beautiful butterfly. This is the first time in a lot of years that my grandmother sees one of these in her house. She's afraid of them because of a relative that was bitten by one of these in front of her.


Nikon - f/5.6 - 1/60 - ISO400

I hope you liked the photos and I'd love to read your thoughts in the comments section.


Thank you so much for reading and supporting.

Lots of love,



• Dividers designed on Canva • Photo on the divider from Pexels

• Crossposted from my blog on Hive

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