Halizar | Shaelba Thun

Hello, Folks.

As I wait for my new pen tablet to arrive (come to me precious) work must still go on. And I thought I'd expand a little on one of my OCs and write a little, something I've been putting of for a while. Of course, none of it is ready to my laid bare here yet. All things in their season.

Halizar of the Silver Dusk thumbnail.png.jpg

"Not treasure is too sacred for pinching, not even Sha'ava'u"

Halizar | Shaelba Thun | NFT

"Halizar | Shaelba Thun" is an alternative painting of Halizar Ankhmir | Aureate Eclipse from a different cycle of the story and feature an easter egg from my other paintings.

Before Fig. 1
After Fig. 2

The initial sketch (see fig 1, left) was not to my liking as I didn't jive with how I render the armor, and so in the second (see fig 2, right) attempt I worked hard to render it and keep the form in mind too.

Process Video

If you'd like to buy this and also support me while you're at it, you can get Halizar | Shaelba Thun and other work on @NFTShowroom.

FireShot Capture 020  NFT Showroom  Proof of Art  nftshowroom.com.png

Instagram | ArtStation | NFTShowroom | Creary

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  • Samsung Tab SM-T805 (Ipad Pro Mini or a Wacom one in my wishlist)
  • Ibis PainterX Android
  • Infinite Painter Android
  • Clip Studio Paint

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Thank you for having a look at my wares. If you like what I'm about and doing, give me a little visit on my profile page, leave a comment, like and while you at it, hit that follow button and follow me not my instagram.


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