Weekly Contest: Creating Stories week 14


I brought out my ink today, placed it on paper without being sure of how to share my hidden Secret, but then I remembered I never shared with you my bedwetting experience.


Prior to my Jss1 as a boarder, i faced one of the most serious embarrassing challenge in life that has to do with bedwetting aka “night piss piss”. Usually I sleep in the same bed with my senior brother and a junior one. Our parents will tell us to stop drinking water once it’s past 6pm to enable us control our bedwetting at night.

I have never seen a point in it as a younger person especially having in mind that i will still have dinner around 7 or 8pm more so as our primary science teacher taught us that water aids in digestion.

Those who grew up at Onitsha in Anambra State particularly around Omagba, Awka Road, Awada. Fegge etc will remember “ Panni” or “Daddy” satchel water in circulation in those days. The 35cl was so big that you cannot finish same in one fell swoop. But I never cared, i use to drink it as late as 8pm only that the consequence will always come sometime between 1 or 2 am.

Sleeping at the edge side of the bed makes it very easy for me to sneak out at the “wee” hours of the night to change my shorts and then appear like a saint when we all expected to come out in the morning for morning devotion.

On occasions when the “piss” becomes so evident on my short and on the bed, i won't sleep for the rest of the night as i will be awake planning on how to remedy the situation. In one of those moments, i believed the adage that there is no peace for the wicked. Indeed bad things usually happen at night. While some yahoo boys keep wake scamming people, I, the humble son of my father will also be up changing my pant and clothe up and down.

There was a night the piss was too much, both my pant, my short and the wrapper i spread on top of the bedspread were drained as if i came out from a swimming pool. I have never been so confused in my life on what to do at the time. For a second I thought of just changing my clothe and rolling my younger brother over to that side covered by my piss like oil spillage. I couldn't sleep anymore. I was just woke patiently waiting for day to break so i will know what else to do. I lay down there with the piss waiting.

Exactly 5am, mum came in to call us for morning prayer. While my siblings were moving out from the room, i was busying wasting time, stretching my hands and waiting for them to all leave the room. Immediately the coast was clear and in the space of 5mins i quickly turned over the matrass, scattered the bedspread on the bed, changed my clothe and went to join others in prayer.

Mum entered our room later that morning and perceived the smell. She insisted that urine was smelling in the room. Nobody including myself agreed that they urinated last night. Though I was standing with the righteous, i was scared of the next line of action mum would take. Before we knew what was happening, mum asked us follow her to where we keep our unwashed Laundry.

It was like where they opened okirika bail at Ariria market. Mum made us to start selecting our dirty clothes one by one until our laundry basket was empty. Surprisingly I had only 3 piece of clothes in the whole from the previous day but it was not the “Akwa amiri”.

Mum compelled us to wash our clothes and clean our room. The good news was that i was not caught that day and I warned myself to heed to my parent advice of not taking water once it's past 6pm.

The next night dad came back from work with fresh fish. Mum already made plans and infact had started preparing breadfruit aka “ukwa”. It was one of those special days dad likes eating what he wanted as against what we wanted. Nevertheless mum still made pounded yam and white soup with the fresh fish. On days like that, we usually take dinner a bit late after saying night prayers unlike other days.

The white soup also know as “Ofe nsala” was sweet and pepperish. I had to take alot of water while eating it. I ate like a refugge that night. I ate one and half wrap of pounded yam before i started dealing with ukwa. I could have still left the ukwa for the next day but i like attempting all questions.

I didn't take much of the ukwa but i drank almost two bowl of the water. I was on the 2nd bowl when i remembered i told myself that i will be taking it easy with water at night.
At that point it was too late as i already took up to one and half litres of the breadfruit water and the satchet water when combined together. The thought didn't even prevent me from finishing the 2nd bowel of the breadfruit water.

It was one of the nights i will never forget in my life. I went to bed before my siblings . Infact I took the middle spot on the bed so that in the event I urinate at night there is a possibility it might touch any of my brothers so it will look as if i was not the only one that bedwetted. I was not sleeping, but i pretended to be when i heard my brothers coming while still gisting how they enjoyed the night.

I was just smiling inside my mind with my plans bottled inside. Not quite long they came in, they slept off. I quickly got up, went to the convenience and saw myself privately once more to satisfy myself that i have done my bit.

Still not too sure of myself, i went to bed that night without my short and pants on. I neatly folded and kept them under my pillow.

Around 3 am, it was as if someone was pouring water on me. I immediately woke up and even saw that my brothers were up too. It was my piss flowing like a water fountain showering on everybody

 3 years ago 

Greetings friend @dayographix

Interesting story about your childhood and your mischievousness to hide your guilt about the bed-wetting pee, because you were drinking water at night.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.

Participant #17

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