It is rainy today and we are already flooding as the Typhoon now cometh and my townsfolk now are worrying about it

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago


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I am still thankful that raindrops are not that heavy coming from the Typhoon and I just hope that it will stay like this and will never get more severe unlike in some areas here in my country where it already claimed seven precious lives already. One barrio that I know of is getting flooded because it was posted in Facebook by one of my former classmate in high school and it was like that everytime that it will rain for some time in their area. His house maybe have a lower flooring area or it just might be that he is also a victim of climate change as well. I had talked to several people already that their area had been not like that before but now it is different, like for example I had a short talk with one of my nurses at the dialysis clinic where I was asking her if their house would already get flooded if it would just rain normally, I mean not really that strong as if it was already caused by a continuous rainfall as heavy like that caused by a Thunderstorm. She replied back that even with light rains the surrounding area where they live (they live within a subdivision) gets to be flooded fast even if there is no high tide. Their area is already a coastal town here in our province which means that they are indeed living in the lowest parts of my country which is why even high tides would cause the streets to get flooded. She added that outside their subdivision, there was a rice field which the owner used to cultivate rice on it, but many years ago it got flooded and the water never receded afterwards. Now I believe that the rice farm field is either already abandoned if not converted into a mudcrab farm which is one of source of income of former rice farmers in their town. So because of these changes about how climate change really affected many of the people living more particularly in the low regions of my country is a reminder that if we humans will not do a solution about the global implications of not doing anything substantial to fight climate change, the savageness of its aftereffects will greatly come back to us one severe level at a time. I am a living witness about it myself because I already had grown enough and lived for quite sometime now that I can already compare the difference from where I was just a young child up to now.

These weather conditions is making me think to either live somewhere else because our barrio is not giving us a security to deal with the flood if it would rain because it will always flood now and high enough to make the already elevated road to get overwhelmed which didn't save us from flooding. If the road would get flooded, it means that flooring will get submerged. Because of that if I would be able to build a house, then I will have make it sure to make it high and future-proof it because I personally think that the flooding risk in my town alone will get worse and worse until I can already compare it to get as low as the nearby coastal towns here in my province. Even Metro Manila is within a low part of this main island because it was a long time ago, an area where farmers plant rice and because of that, I am more than sure that it really is prone to flooding particularly now that climate change is a thing, a great big thing that nobody wants to really make a solution for because a major part of the solution means that big businesses will have to make a compromise and nobody in them will ever cooperate because it will mean potential big losses in terms of earning and we are talking about hundreds of billions of revenue and job losses with it. The oil industry will be the main target of the solution for ending the climate change, so because that powerful leaders and businessmen is the major handlers of the oil industry, they have the ultimate big say on what the future hold for the rest of us just to protect their income. The can control key political figures just like a puppet and make legislations or block legislations or laws to favor the interests of these powerful entities and it is already happening even before most of us are born. Money is power indeed and does make politicians turn a blind eye because they are either intimidated by the big businesses or that they already sold their sole and they are just acting to be a good person but in truth, they are just wolves under a sheep's clothing so to speak. Now we all have to contend with the status quo and that nothing will be done because of the reason I just stated and we can only pray for the right leaders to get born to make global changes but again, many leaders are easily manipulated because what really runs the world now and even before is money from those that who got more of it than the rest of the elites in our society. We are under their mercy so now all we can also do is to pray for them, to have a good heart so that they will come to a good decision everytime they have to make it to favor humanity more than it would cater their best selfish interests. However this world tends to lean on the evil rather than in the rightful and justice side of things because of the lust for power and financial gain which are both cannot be taken unto the grave which many people will never come to realize. An individual will part and its possessions a soon as they die and all that they have to show for is how they lived in this world and that's all, so if they had done good while they are still alive, well that would come back to them with good dividends come the final judgement day after a thousand year reign of the Lord Jesus in this world, but if the had been as naughty as the devil, good luck because from that period, to them nobody will give a fuck.




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